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How to Use Analytics to Make Informed Decisions

How to Use Analytics to Make Better Decisions

In business, the better decisions that you make the more success you will have. That is why it is vital that you take the right approach. Using advanced analytics, you can improve your decision making and take your company to the next level. Here are the strategies and tactics you need to know:

Your Market

If you don’t know your market, then you are not going to have success in your business. When you understand your market, you can speak to them in their own language. It helps you understand exactly how to craft marketing messages and more.

To start researching your market, use analytics that are freely available. For instance, Google Keyword Planner and Trends both let you see search volumes for certain key terms. You can control a number of factors. From seeing the timeline trends to the actual volume, you can gauge which time and month is right for you to launch a campaign in a niche or avoid it altogether.

Your Product

Products are becoming increasingly expensive to create. They also take a lot of time. This puts you out of production for any length of time that you are developing something new. Therefore, you need to make sure that you have everything lined up the right way before pulling the trigger.

Using analytics, you can look at your past data and see which products have performed better. You can even send out customer surveys to get their opinion. Then, with this information you can make a more informed decision about which products to roll out and whether they will be worth their cost or not.

Your Advertisements

Getting your ads to click is not something that happens overnight. It is something that you have to constantly tweak. However, many marketers take the approach of simply shooting in the dark.

They take their hard earned cash from the business and just guess. If you want to make more informed decisions, look at your actual conversion rates. Track every part of your marketing funnel. See where you are dropping off and where you need to double down on spending.

Your Internal Systems

Your systems will determine how efficient your business is. With the right systems, you will bypass your competition with ease. As they are hiring more people, you will be able to get the same results simply by having the same amount of people do the same thing in a better way.

However, this kind of system-oriented thinking takes some hard work up front. You have to look at your data and see which approach has worked best in the past. Then, you can document the process and train all your new people on it.


Hiring can be a hassle, but it doesn’t have to be. Your employees are the lifeblood of your company, so you need a quality strategy to bring the best people in.

Luckily, using personality tests and other data, you can decide who is going to be a better fit for your team. Compare their scores and demographics with others in your company. See if you can spot trends. You might find that certain characteristics lead to better results in the long term.

Sales Process

Analytics are not just for technical people. They are also very powerful for sales. After all, sales is a numbers game at the end of the day. Using actual analytics can improve your team’s chance of hitting a home run more often based on facts.

When it comes to making better decisions, not each path is created equal. Analytics give you an edge over other methods because the numbers simply don’t lie. So don’t miss out on the opportunity to take your business where it deserves to be. Use the tips above and position your company for massive success with the right data and decision making at your fingertips.

Published: October 8, 2018

devin caldwell

Devin Caldwell

Devin Caldwell is a small business owner who loves helping other entrepreneurs succeed in the competitive business world. He owns three businesses and works as a consultant in his limited free time. Devin is also a husband and father of two beautiful children. If you want to work with Devin, reach out to him on Twitter: https://twitter.com/DevinCaldwell13.

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