Cleaning out some files I came across one of the many quotes and sayings I’ve cut out and saved over the years.
It contains such wisdom that if we’ll only keep it in mind and ask ourselves this question on an ongoing basis we have an excellent chance of attaining that which we truly desire.
“Is what I am about to say or do consistent with my Life’s Mission?”
I don’t know who originally said or wrote that* but I think it is about as perfect a question as can be asked.
After all, if we were to frame everything we’re about to say and every decision we’re about to make in terms of congruency with that question, well…it’d pretty difficult not to meet with huge success.
Of course, we all make mistakes and even keeping that question at the highest part of our conscious awareness is certainly no guarantee of always doing the right thing.
But wow, it certainly ups the odds, doesn’t it?
So, what is your life’s mission? And, what might you do to get into the habit of asking yourself this very important question constantly and consistently?
* And now I do know. It was the great, Joe Tye from his book, Your Dreams Are Too Small http://amzn.to/2r6qNRt