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What Is LetsLunch?

By: Chris Barnes



While striving to grow your small business, particularly in the startup phase, you cannot ignore the value of your network. Have you ever heard the phrase coined by Porter Gale, “Your network is your net worth”? As an entrepreneur, your network can serve as an invaluable tool for achieving your goals. Whether you may look to your network to seek funding, to hire new employees, to manage your finances, to market your business on social media, or to take advantage of the great marketing tool that is word of mouth, never underestimate the power of the people you know.


LetsLunch is an online tool that helps you to meet professionals in your area, and it’s very easy to use. Just sign up, create your profile with your interests and a description about what you would like to accomplish, and specify the times when you might be able to meet for lunch. Then you’re ready to start searching for other “lunchers” in your area. If you’re the type of person who likes to take a “working lunch” and eat a sandwich at your desk, then this could be a nice excuse to take a break and get out to a restaurant for a change. 


Whether the person you meet is a potential investor, a social media marketer, an accountant, a lawyer, or a systems analyst, there are a million ways in which you may meet someone who can help you achieve your goals. And in a world where the internet is at your fingertips, you shouldn’t ignore the potential for meeting new people. There could be someone that works down the road who gets really excited about your business idea. The next thing you know, you’re on the phone with his venture capital firm who’s ready to lend you the money you need to acquire your sales team and hit the ground running.  

Published: June 13, 2013

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Chris Barnes

Chris Barnes is the Director of Business Development at Tarkenton Companies, with a sales and marketing background in a wide range of industries, from sports information to insurance marketing. A jack-of-all-trades, Chris has experience in many aspects of daily and strategic operations for small business.

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