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5 Call Center Management Tips

Your call center may not be the primary part of your business but that doesn’t make it any less important. Not only are call centers the primary way you manage customers they are also the primary way your customers can contact you for support.

Are You Getting the Most from Your VoIP Office Phone System?

Imagine having an expensive, high-tech smart phone and only using it to make calls, letting texting, email, internet connection, etc. That would be a huge waste of resources, right?

6 Steps to Create the Best Auto Attendant Phone System Intro

With the following steps you will be well on your way to implementing a productive phone system. Your customers—and your bottom line—will thank you.

6 Enterprise Phone Systems Trends and Predictions for 2015

Year after year we’re continually impressed with the advances made in the industry, but we predict 2015 will truly be a remarkable year thanks to a number of enterprise phone systems trends.

Harnessing the Power of On-Hold Marketing

This infographic from The CUBE explains exactly what your business needs to do to make the most out of on-hold marketing and details the steps you must take if you wish to maximize its potential.

The Rise of VoIP in the Small Business Community

Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) is slated to be the best performing industry of this decade, above biotechnology and ecommerce. While VoIP has been adopted in larger, tech savvy businesses, the continued market growth is relying on small businesses.

3 Small Business Phone System Infrastructure Tips

If you are considering upgrading your small business phone system to VoIP, first realize that in VoIP deployment there are some key factors that determine the success or failure of your system.

7 Auto Attendant Phone System Best Practices

Your greeting is often the first interaction your customers will have with your company. It is imperative that you make a great first impression. For any business owner, composing a concise, polished greeting and knowing what options to present can be overwhelming.

Is Your Phone System Mobile Enough?

How up to date is your small business phone system? When you’re running a small business, the right phone system is key to smooth and efficient operations.

The Biggest Threat to Your Small Business Phone System

Most small businesses operate on limited budgets, and unexpected expenses can derail even the most best laid out business plans. So imagine getting a phone bill for $200,000—when you expected only a small fraction of that!

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