This infographic from The CUBE explains exactly what your business needs to do to make the most out of on-hold marketing and details the steps you must take if you wish to maximize its potential. It outlines the hard facts and figures about the influence of on-hold marketing, provides tips identifying exactly what you should do when planning your on-hold marketing message, as well as guiding you about the importance of music selection to supplement your on-hold marketing message. What mistakes is your business making?
Author: For 25 years, Steve Hashman has been managing business development, product development and marketing initiatives for high tech and telecoms companies, in Canada, Europe, and the Caribbean. Steve is currently a managing partner for Exponential Solutions (The CUBE). The CUBE is now the preferred messaging solution for world leading music suppliers and audio marketing providers who deliver and manage on-hold and in-store music and messaging solutions. The CUBE is now installed in 45 countries in major brand companies such as: Harrods of London, Wembley Arena, and through locations owned by major brands such as: McDonalds, Burger King, KFC, Starbucks, Estee Lauder, London Underground, Honda, Dodge, and others.

Published: February 2, 2015