Personal Readiness

Is Discovering Your Passionate Purpose an Accident?

The big questions. What do you do with your life? Who do you want to be when you grow up? These answers are easy when you’re young. You want to be your super hero. And…

3 Myths About Entrepreneurship That Shouldn’t Hold You Back

What do you need to start your own business? For many would-be entrepreneurs, it’s a question that hovers like a cloud overhead, intimidating and ominous. Answering it means facing fears—fears around money, experience or knowledge….

10 Keys to Your New Venture Success and Satisfaction

As the economy flourishes after some tough economic times, more and more people seem to be turning to entrepreneurship as an alternative to traditional employment. I applaud this trend, but caution all of you thinking…

What Nourishes Your Soul?

Do you ever get to the end of the day and feel empty? It’s a gnawing feeling. Faint. A whisper. You have been busy and you have done all the things that society and family…

Started a Small Business? Now What?

Congratulations! You’ve started your business! After that burst of excitement and glee comes all the considerations; you might be worrying about your responsibilities, taxes, government compliance and reporting deadlines. Here’s a quick start guide to…

USA vs. UK: Where is It Easier to Set Up Shop?

Often, it isn’t the lack of a good idea or entrepreneurial spark that stops new startups flourishing, it’s the barriers to entry in the market itself. New startups often underestimate the costs imposed on new…

What Do I Need to Do to Become an Entrepreneur?

Q: What do I need to do to become an entrepreneur? Being an entrepreneur is simply somebody who has launched a business. It’s not a set of traits or qualities, a state of being, or…

3 Critical Questions to Ask Yourself Before Starting a Business

Starting a business? Thinking about starting a business? Here are my suggestions for three quick questions you should ask yourself first: What are the chances that the business I want to start will be able…

7 Tips to Develop Entrepreneurial Skills and Characteristics

Being an entrepreneur might sound glamorous, but it can be a challenging path that requires discipline and a special kind of personality. Successful entrepreneurs must acquire certain entrepreneurial skills and characteristics that help them become…

“I Want to Start My Own Business, But Don’t Know What Kind of Business to Start!”

In the last few years, we have seen a huge increase in entrepreneurship. More and more of us are looking to start our own business, Millennials especially. The idea of being your own boss, working…

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