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Personal Readiness
Some Entrepreneurs Get Big Value from an Incubator
More and more entrepreneurs are hearing about the successful graduates and investors queued behind a few well-known startup incubators, including Y Combinator, TechStars, and the Founder Institute.
The 3 Most Important Lessons I’ve Learned from Starting Up
I’ve been an entrepreneur for more than half my life. At 16, I founded Buzz Marketing Group, the youth marketing and influencer agency I still run today. It’s been a long road to get to where I am today, but I’ve loved every minute of this journey.
Is It Your Season?
Are you a woman wanting to start a business but struggling to determine whether or not it is the right time? Do you need to wait until the timing is more “spot on,” or should you just jump right in and get started?
The Talent Add-On So Often Missed
Yes, it takes work, commitment, and many hours of deliberate practice. But, it begins with understanding that the talent itself will take you only so far. Learned skills must be added.
Why We Sabotage Our Happiness
If one’s main motivation is happiness, then why do so many otherwise-intelligent people seem to make decisions that are obviously contrary to their happiness?
Happiness: It’s Really a Personal Thing
In a recent post, we explored happiness as being a person’s main motivation. And, that it can only be attained by acting in accordance with one’s values.
Creating Your Personal Mission Statement
Create a personal life mission statement based on your deepest convictions and beliefs. What are you to be about? Every goal you have should point to fulfilling your mission, otherwise you need to change your goal or change your mission.
From Startup to Successful Student Entrepreneurs
You are never too young to make your first million, or at least that seems to be the suggestion from a quick survey of young entrepreneur millionaires who are running companies while still in school.
Pick the Entrepreneur Lifestyle Alternative for You
You are an aspiring entrepreneur, eager to dump the corporate grind, and work to the beat of your own drummer, but you can’t come up with that killer idea to save the world. What are the alternatives that will give you the independence you crave, and challenge your business acumen?
Entrepreneurs Need Experience More Than an MBA
I don’t have an MBA. I used to fear that this would put me at a disadvantage in starting my own company, but now I’m convinced that it may be the other way around.