Personal Readiness
Starting a Flooring Business? Don’t Forget These 4 Steps
A flooring business needs as much investment and effort as any other business. It is one of those businesses that requires specific skills to satisfy the customers in order to enhance your reputation and get…
What is Your Life Worth? Take This Invaluable Insurance Advice
Photo by cottonbro from Pexels Stepping out on your own to start a business can be nerve-wracking. There are endless certifications, licenses, t’s to cross and i’s to dot that can make you question being…
7 Alternatives to Quitting Your Startup Venture
When I heard a friend and business mentor say, “Your startup won’t fail if you don’t quit,” I realized that every entrepreneur should adopt “never give up” as their mantra. Rather than quitting, there are…
6 Tips For Entrepreneurs To Lock In On The Right Road
One of the simplest questions I get from aspiring entrepreneurs, and ironically one of the hardest, is “How do I start?” I want to tell them to just start anywhere, but I realize that most…
An Anti-Bucket List is Full of Achievable Goals
My Anti-Bucket List (21 NOs!) Having a bucket list sounds like an enterprising thing to do. And it is. To me, bucket lists serve the purpose of helping us have experiences we think will make…
5 Excellent Ways for Military Members to Set Up a Successful Future
Planning a post-military future for you and your family can be daunting. The transition to civilian life will be smoother when you have a plan of action. With the following tips, you can get ready…
Don’t Make These 5 Mistakes for Your Personal Development
Personal development should be a crucial part of every business owner’s long term plans. If you’re not working on yourself, how can you expect the same of your team? Here are 5 mistakes you need…
Should You Cast Your Net Where the Big Fish Swim?
This is one of those “My dad used to say” homilies. You’ve probably heard the accompanying “It takes just as much effort to sell a small deal as a big one,” over the years. It…
Utilize Positive Momentum to Improve Your Business
In life and business, good things can come from negatives. More often than not, procrastination setbacks hinder business. By building positive momentum, progress bolstered by persistent, day-to-day action, you can increase the drive of your…
10 Small Business Ideas that Require Zero Capital
Thanks to the digital revolution, it’s now easier for anyone to start a business. There’s nothing more fulfilling than becoming your own boss and changing the world through entrepreneurship. Since no one is born an…