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Personal Readiness
How Speaking in Public Made Me a Better Entrepreneur
Ever since I found my purpose in life, I like to tell many folks that I feel like Superman. As soon as my eyes open every morning, an extreme sense of urgency overcomes my body to get up, own the day and make things happen.
Where Do Powerful Ideas Hide?
Inspiration. It seems abundant one day and scarce the next, its unreliable tendencies taunt you constantly and it’s starting to show in your business.
Dream On: How to Visualize Success for You and Your Company
CEOs are dreamers who took a small idea and turned it into something huge. It can be as simple as starting a boutique marketing agency, or expanding your services overseas.
These 8 Groups of People Will Never Start a Business
Every entrepreneur I know is dismayed by the number of friends who approach them with a line such as “I have an even better idea that will change the world, and one of these days I’m going to get around to starting my own business.”
Dress for Success: Clothing and Grooming Tips for Male Entrepreneurs
As an entrepreneur, you probably know that the way you present things is as important as the real deal. And this applies to you too.
It’s Time to Admit What You Truly Want Out of Life
Making decisions. This is the defining ability of humanity. We can do more than react to life’s challenges instinctively. We can look forward, decide what we want, and act accordingly.
5 Quick Reasons Why Your Startup Failed
Being a first time entrepreneur is fun and exciting, but nothing prepares you for the day you finally realize that things aren’t working out.
10 Business Courses You May Have Missed in School
I’m sure that every one of us who has been out in the business world for a few years can look back with perfect hindsight and name a few college courses that we should have taken.
4 Degrees for Aspiring Entrepreneurs
Starting your own business is a big undertaking that involves plenty of general business knowledge, and knowledge about small business management and functions, as well as knowledge specific to your industry.