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Growing a Services Business Requires Selling Yourself

The critical success factors for a product business are well known, starting with selling every unit with a gross margin of 50 percent or more, building a patent and other intellectual property, and continuous product…

Franchising When You’re a Mom

Mother may as well be a job title. Think about it: moms are basically entrepreneurs. You manage the household, often including everything from finances to every family member’s schedule, not to mention, making sure everyone…

This One Skill Will Transform Your Life

Some people seem to have it and others don’t. It is a skill and a science that can change your life. It requires an awareness about yourself. And others. It is an expertise that is essential for…

Low Cost Franchise Opportunities for Under $10,000

Are you an entrepreneur looking to start your own affordable franchise? Whether you are figuring out cost and time management or just starting your research when it comes to finding the right franchise opportunity, it…

5 Inspiring Books That May Change Your Thinking About Life

Books are my guilty pleasure. I should be working but I am reading. I should be sleeping but I am still reading. I should be exercising but I have been lured again…… By the temptation…

Startups: From the Basement to a Shared Office Space

One of the first indications a startup is growing is when the business moves from the basement into an office. What we call startups today were some of the earliest businesses to explore “shared office…

The Ultimate Guide to Starting Your Own Small Business

Starting your own small business can be exciting to think about when you are ready to take your career to the next level. Many people have the entrepreneurial spirit and are ready to launch their…

New Business Owner? 5 Things to Look Out For

When starting a new business, there’s a lot of research that needs to be done. You might think you know what to expect but, undoubtedly, the unexpected will come up. The more you prepare, the…

Developing an On-Demand Home Rental App? Don’t Ignore These Vital Features

Nothing is sweeter than your home! No solace, accommodation or joy is equivalent to it. Everyone wants to have a fantasy home. But when property costs are soaring, people search for rentals, which can seem…

10 Commonly Held Myths That Limit Competitive Efforts

Every entrepreneur believes in their heart that their startup is more innovative and creative than their competitors. Yet none knows exactly where creativity comes from within, or how to pick and motivate the most creative…

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