4 Ways to Support Your Small Business with Personal Funds
It’s getting tougher for small businesses to find startup capital. Big banks want nothing to do with unproven upstarts—it’s all about “validation.” Conflicting laws make it difficult to raise money from small investors without forgoing…
How Are You Sharpening Your Saw?
Are you consciously sharpening your saw every day? Maybe it’s just because I’m living through it, but I truly believe that there’s never been an era that has experienced the rate of change that we’re…
PLAYLive Lesson: Vetting Franchisees
The key to building a prosperous franchise is to place quality franchisees at the helm of your business. As a long-time franchise lawyer and part franchise owner, I cannot stress enough how essential this is…
How Your Chair is Silently Harming You
Do you spend more than six hours in a day sitting in a chair or a couch? You are not alone in moving towards a sedentary lifestyle. Working professionals with desk-jobs spend close to one-third…
Starting a Retail Business: What You Need to Know
Opening a clothing store, or any store for that matter, might be your goal or your dream and it is certainly an attainable one with the right execution. Knowing how to do it and how…
A Day in the Life of a Startup Owner
Some days will be smooth sailing; others will be an uphill battle. Just like when you take a new job in any area, when you start your own business you’re bound to face some challenges….
What to Pay Attention to in the Franchise Disclosure Document
When buying a franchise, the franchise disclosure document is one of the most important elements of the process, so it’s important to know what to expect and what to look for. What It Is The Federal Trade…
Get More B2B Customers with Site Signage
One of the best ways to market your company is to have signs and banners put up on job sites. Signs tell curious prospects what kind of work you do. Signs at multiple sites have…
How to Successfully Rename Your Business
Any time you give something a new name, especially the name of your business, it’s a big deal. In our case, we’ve had several years of sweat and equity in our previous name, AQB, with…
How Startups Estimate Market Size
It’s a common question. How do I know market size? Of course what one does for that depends on the type of business. What works for a web app won’t work for a restaurant. The kinds of…