Marketing Innovations

10 Common Design Mistakes…and How to Avoid Them

Design work is complex business. It’s far too easy to mess up. To create high-quality products, all of the small details are crucially important. Each detail must be taken into account. It can be easy…

Top (10) 8 Articles on Marketing to Women

In honor of International Women’s Day last week, I scoured the Internet to create my list of top articles on marketing to women. Even though women as purchase decision makers has come a long way…

How to Market to Each Generation Differently

When you market to multiple generations, are you aware of their differing needs and desires? Even if you don’t always have the resources to target each one separately, it’s helpful to know what you’re dealing…

Want to Increase Brand Buzz and Customer Loyalty? You Need Experiential Marketing

Without a doubt, modern marketing is a numbers game. Likes, comments, shares and views are the currency of our now established digital world of business, the more we get, presumably the better our business is…

Top Digital Signage Trends for 2019

Digital signage has long been a popular marketing method utilized by both small and large companies alike, and in 2019, we can expect to see even more business taking advantage of the benefits that this…

Innovate or Die: Your Marketing Degree Isn’t Enough Anymore

An overwhelming majority of United States marketers polled in a recent survey expressed that they do not believe that their jobs will look the same three decades from now. Nevertheless, they might be able to…

Why Your Influencer Campaigns Are Falling Flat

Trust. Reach. Influence. These are the three most powerful characteristics of what we label “influencers” in today’s digital world. As we begin 2019, influencer marketing continues to grow as a means for tapping into business…

Boost Your Branding: 7 Hottest Graphic Trends for 2019

Whether or not you put research, money and effort in to your brand, it will still be designed. Through many years of small business startups and made-from-scratch marketing, I’ve learned that crummy design can blight…

With Which of These Marketing Predictions Do You Agree?

2019 awaits us. Which new trends and practices will be in store for marketers in the new year? I did some digging and discovered several predictions for your review. I leave it to you to…

Influencer Marketing: A Beginner’s Guide on What It Is and How to Get Started

Create. Post. Hope. Too many aspiring entrepreneurs, marketers, and small business owners take this approach to digital marketing… All they see are tumbleweeds. But it’s not necessarily your fault. You’ve been led down the garden…

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