Marketing Innovations
Marketing Automation: Evil or Misunderstood?
When the subject of marketing automation comes up, many purists shake their head and talk about how robotic and impersonal it is. Well—if you do it badly, that’s very true.
Go Mobile or Go Home: 3 Reasons You Need a Mobile Marketing Strategy
There’s no arguing that modern marketing trends are always evolving, and with more mobile phone users than ever before, having a mobile marketing strategy is vital to the success of any business.
How to Combine Marketing Channels for Better Consumer Engagement
If you’re focusing too much on one area, you may not be reaching your entire target audience or delivering the right message at the right time and place. Using multiple channels is the best strategy for boosting traffic and increasing sales.
Digital Marketers: Learn from the Mistakes of Others!
The digital marketing record books are filled with stories of brands that got it wrong, brands that accidently got it right and some that just missed the mark. While some mistakes lead to unexpected benefits, others have the potential to lead to the demise of brands and utter failure.
The Evolution of Marketers
We talk a lot about how marketing has evolved in the face of social media, automation and other macro-trends. What gets lost, though, is how marketers have to adapt so these changes don’t overwhelm them.
Small Business Podcasting 101
Podcasting is an inexpensive way to effectively reach and build your small business’s customer base. But maybe you’ve never recorded yourself before, and what would you even say? Should you go ahead and try anyway?