Sales Activities

Fish in the Giant Ocean, Not in a Shallow Creek

There are big fish and small fish, potential customers, all swimming in the sea that is your potential marketplace. You, the lonely fisherman, have to weave a net to catch your fish.

“Fix the Sales Problem!”

Revenue growth and revenue generation is dependent on the company’s ability to identify and target new markets for existing solutions, developing new solutions for existing customers.

The Immense Importance of Follow-Up

“People buy when they’re ready to buy, not when the salesperson is ready to sell. It’s all timing. We can either be there when they’re ready to buy or leave it to chance.”

Stop Heroic Sales Efforts!

We’ve each seen Heroic Sales Efforts. They’re something to behold and, for a few moments, to revel in. The problem is, heroic sales efforts aren’t scalable!

Is It Your Sales Process?

Most organizations I work with have a sales process. But when I look at it, it’s not THEIR sales process. Sure it’s a sales process, but it’s not theirs.

Throw Away Your Value Proposition, It’s Meaningless!

Hold onto your outbursts of, “Dave, you’ve lost it!” Also, recognize that I may be playing a few word games—but with a purpose.

How Do You Stop a Sales Person from Talking?

Sales people love to talk. They want to talk about their company, their products, how their products and services help solve a customer problems. Turn them on, and they won’t stop, questions don’t deter them.

Personal Referrals—Keep Them Personal

A personal referral is just that—personal. The only reasonable follow up on a personal referral is personal. The best follow up is a conversation.

The Influence of Product Packaging on the Buying Decision

Product packaging always plays an important role in marketing the goods. It creates a positive image of the brand in the minds of buyers. It acts as the reflection of the message you want to convey and defines the character of a product.

Bad Commission Plans Drive Bad Sales Behaviors

I’ve been at the periphery of a number of discussions about commissions and sales. Usually, they are very polarized discussions, with people on each side taking extreme positions, neither providing useful or data based arguments, neither listening to each other and each reinforcing the others’ positions.

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