Sales Activities

Prescriptive Selling

I’m seeing a trend toward increasing prescription in selling. By that, I mean marketing, sales enablement, or management are prescribing the activities, actions, scripts, conversations their people should be having. Many of the new technologies…

Open Up to Your Customers, Close Sales Faster with Sales Apps

Little by little, small businesses are recognizing the convenience of mobile applications. According to a survey by Clutch.Co, more than 50% of small businesses will provide their customers with mobile apps by 2017. The drive…

Volume and Velocity—What’s Missing?

There’s a huge amount of discussion focusing on Volume And Velocity in sales. SaaS companies trying to build traction and subscriptions person by person, department by department—at least until they confront the enterprise. Companies envying…

Is the Customer Journey Really That Predictable?

I saw the Princeton Marching Band for the first time in the early 80’s. I was working in Manhattan, a few of my colleagues were Princeton grads, so every once in a while, we’d take…

When Do You Do Your Best Selling?

The lives of most sales people seem to be split between two types of frenzied activities—prospecting, trying to find someone willing to talk to you, and chasing down deals. Often, our engagement models are reflections…

Avoid 3 Types of Customers to Make Your Life Easier

While we have all heard the customer is always right, and that is generally the case, there are some types of customers that just need to be fired. They do nothing but drag down our…

The One Question to Stop Them in the Trade Show Aisle

Wouldn’t it be magic if we could find one (unique to us) question to ask people passing the booth or table as they pass in the aisle of the trade show? I asked a number…

A Personality-Based Approach Leads to More Sales

One of the most effective ways to be a successful salesperson is to use a client-centered approach to sales. That means tailoring your sales presentation to suit the personality and specific needs of the client….

Are They at 57% Yet?

As a kid, I recall many of our family vacations involved long drives to some place or other. Inevitably, after my sisters and I exhausted the car games we played in the back seat, we’d…

Doing More By Doing Less

It’s awfully crowded in the digital marketing/social selling world. Getting “heard” is increasingly difficult. Getting into see/talk to customers is one of the top challenges I hear from executives, marketing and sales people alike. To…

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