Sales Activities

The Art of Selling to Women

Last week, we talked about the science of selling to women and how our brains differ by gender and how that affects buying patterns and decision-making. So this week, I thought it would make sense to take…

Beyond B2B and B2C: The Sales Channel Your Business is Overlooking

There are two well-defined sales channels that most people use. Selling directly to individuals, more formally known as business-to-consumer (B2C), and selling products or services to other organizations, known as business-to-business (B2B). These terms are so…

The Science of Selling to Women

There is no magic sauce that will help you gain women’s attention as you market your products or services. You can’t paint your product pink and think that will do the trick. You can’t wrap…

If You Can’t Write, You Can’t Sell

In the past few days, I’ve been embroiled in conversations about grammar and spelling. I read a discussion about “Should I hire a sales person with poor writing skills.” I was astounded by the majority…

Are Your Sales Suffering Due to These Common Faults?

If I make a mistake ­ even a big one, as I’m typing this article, I can simply select the text, delete it and then correct it. You don’t always have that ability in sales….

What About My Goals? A Time for Selfishness

I had a call from a frustrated sales person. He said, “Dave, I read your stuff all the time. You are relentless in focusing on the customer, their problems, and their goals. I get it,…

What’s the Customer’s Whole Problem?

Our focus, naturally, is on what we sell. More accurately, it’s on what problems our products and solutions solve. For the moment, I’ll ignore that most sales people don’t do well at this most basic…

Can Sales Really Create Value?

Leanne Hoagland-Smith wrote an outstanding post, The Ultimate Sales Goal Is Connecting With Customer Value Drivers, Not Creating Value! In the post, Leanne hits head on what too many sales people miss about value. We tend…

Your Key to Success: Sales Preparation

Fail to prepare, prepare to fail. It’s an often heard adage that applies to virtually any situation, but with sales it’s especially important because failure isn’t a mere inconvenience—it can be the difference between financial…

4 Steps to Skyrocket Your Outbound Sales Call Closing Rate

Sales representatives are classic workhorses for businesses who want to skyrocket their sales or generate leads. We know this to be true since according to, “78% of decision makers polled have taken an appointment…

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