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6 Pros and Cons of Hiring Remote Workers
Hiring virtual employees isn’t all cheap labor and round-the-clock productivity—despite what popular books like “The 4-Hour Work Week” would have you believe. Doing your due diligence will help you plan appropriately so you can avoid some of the common pitfalls associated with taking on remote workers.
After LLC Formation, What’s the Next Step?
After you form a limited liability company, the first thing you should do is draft an operating agreement. And if you’ve already formed a limited liability company or you’ve already formed any kind of entity, you want to draft the equivalent of an operating agreement, as an internal document among co-owners.
Acculturation and Brand Values
When I discuss branding with companies, one key element in our discussions are the company brand values. It is commonly understood and agreed that without them the company would cease to exist. They are the foundation of the company.
Dealing with Failure
In business, you have to constantly try new things, because most of the things you try won’t work. It doesn’t mean they weren’t worth the attempt; it just means that the small business world is impossible to predict. Because none of us know beforehand what will work, we have to try many things that fail in order to reach success.
Building a Brand Means Going the Extra Mile
When someone pays a ridiculous amount of money for something you sell, they want to be reassured that they made a good call. They want to be your fan. Let me say that again—they want to be your fan. But you have to extend the invitation and make the effort.
What Are Disparate Impact and Disparate Treatment?
Perhaps the most common type of discrimination claim that employers face is disparate treatment. Disparate impact and disparate treatment are two legal theories of discrimination, and it’s critically important that you protect yourself and your business from these kinds of actions.
Amazing Customer Service Gives a Competitive Edge
Amazing customer service is just a little better than average. That in itself isn’t amazing. What makes it amazing is when it is a little better than average—all of the time. It’s the consistency that makes the difference.
What’s Stopping You from Hiring an Intern?
Hiring interns is one of the best ways to grow your company, manage market share, and get involved in the local community all at the same time. The altruism and civic-minded nature are beyond what most human resource people realize.
A Small Business’s Approach to Health Care Reform
Greg Abel is the co-founder and Director of Strategy & Client Services at Tailfin Marketing. For many years, Tailfin has offered health insurance to its employees, with a plan designed to get people on board. Like most small businesses, though, Tailfin is looking at what to do now that the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act is coming into effect just around the corner. As with any big change, there are concerns and questions, but Greg also shared some of the things he’s doing to help navigate these unfamiliar waters.
5 Ways Small Businesses Can Attract and Retain Talent
It’s an oft-cited cliché, but the success of a business and a small business in particular depends very much on the talent and efforts of its people. It is both the individual stars and the solid working relationships between those…