
This One Quality Distinguishes All Top Performers

My mantra is this: People have to talk to people; we have to share ideas. But it starts with your wanting to ask questions, your being curious so that you can stay ahead of that curve.

When the Shift Hits the Fan

Your Industry Is Changing. Now What? There comes a time in every business when it becomes apparent that your product, service or business model is no longer relevant.

10 Ways Entrepreneurs Fail Their Way to the Top

Unfortunately, many entrepreneurs seem to prefer to fail their way to the top, rather than do some research and learn from the successes and mistakes of others.

Smooth Scaling: How to Keep Your Startup Afloat

Of the myriad of factors working against the average startup company, perhaps the most dangerous is scalability. Adaptation isn’t just necessary, it’s vital for the survival of a business.

4 Ways to Turn Metrics into Business Strategies

In the bestselling book “Moneyball,” Michael Lewis explains how the Oakland A’s built a winning team using only statistics. Yet more than 10 years after the book’s publication, few organizations follow this example of metrics-driven decision-making.

What to Do When Your Boss Says It’s Time to Innovate

Unfortunately, saying you are innovative before you actually have a culture that knows how to be so—and produces work that truly is—is incredibly destructive because you wind up breaking promises with your staff and with your customers.

3 Secrets of Companies That Have Made a Comeback

Big-shot companies throughout the world, at some point of their operating lifespan, have witnessed market risks or operating risks and failure. These companies have, however, managed to regain the trust back and rule the market as pioneers through their strong leadership, hard work and correct advertising strategy.

The Advice All Entrepreneurs Should Ignore

In 2011, my friend Kostas and I saw an opportunity. If we developed a hyper-accurate keyboard app—one that enabled users to type without looking at the screen—we could change the way people interacted with mobile technology.

How to Win as an Underdog and Maintain Your Scrappiness as You Grow

Let’s say you’re fresh out of college, and you have two job offers: one with a global megacorporation and the other with a startup out of a San Jose garage. If stability and security were your goals, which would you choose?

4 Ways to Design Your Company for Maximum Creativity

Some companies just seem to have a magical ability to innovate. Over the past 25 years, Pixar Animation Studios has turned out hit after hit, with almost no duds (Cars 2 being the possible exception).

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