Human Resources


What Small Business Owners Should Know About Maternity Leave Policies

Maternity leave for associates can be a tough issue for a small business. The idea of losing an employee for several weeks—or even months—can be daunting, and may even put the future of the business at risk.
Global Recruiting Trends

Looking at Global Recruiting Trends

If you’re a startup or small business looking to recruit from the global talent pool in order to grow your business, take a look at this Global Recruiting Trends infographic featuring information from a recent study undertaken by LinkedIn.

Should I Expense This? Business Expenses vs. Personal Expenses

Even the best-intentioned employees can fall into the trap of mixing business expenses and personal expenses. Business expenses are deductible for federal tax purposes.

Fire Employees Wisely, or Pay the Price

Firing an employee is never easy for anyone involved. Not only are there emotional entanglements, there is the potential for legal entanglements – small business owners need to conduct themselves wisely on both accounts.

Training is not a Cost

I know people are going to think I have lost it when I say training is not a cost, but let me explain. In my mind, training is a profit generator not a cost producer.

Small Biz HR: Dealing with Hostility in the Workplace

If you manage a human relations department in a small business, then you will definitely have to deal with some personal issues between employees.

4 Small Business Secrets to Vetting Your Candidates

Properly vetting potential job candidates is critical to protecting your business. Below explains four affordable ways how small businesses can properly screen potential job candidates.

How to Hire a Top-Notch Team When You Can’t Compete on Salary

I often get asked how I managed to get so many impressive people on my team. By every law of logic, a company as small, new and budget-constrained as mine should not have as many rock stars on our team and advisory board as we do.

Money Motivates

There are many studies that can tell us how various industries reward employees for achievement above a base pay, or beyond expectation.

5 Signs an Employee Deserves a Promotion

As a manager, one of the hardest jobs you’ll ever have to do is select a person to promote. What if you choose the wrong person? What if you disrupt the positive atmosphere in the workplace?

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