Customer Service

Creating A Good Customer Experience Framework

A recent survey by Adobe found that customer experience is the most exciting opportunity that businesses want to work on this year, especially during an uncertain economy. This is for good reason. Improving CX has…

The Art of Better Conference Calls With Clients

Have you ever participated in a conference call with a client that you felt was unproductive or frustrating? It’s safe to say if you’re in business, you’ve probably had at least one of these, and…

Airline Communication Amid Coronavirus – Any Lessons?

As a customer service speaker, I am a frequent traveler on multiple airlines. Over the past weeks, I have received communication from several airlines re changes in policies amid the Coronavirus spread.  As a customer,…

3 New Ways to Acquire Customers for Your Property Evaluation Business

The goal of every business owner is to maximize profits using all acceptable means. If you own a property valuation business you should join the bandwagon. There are endless ways to ensure that your business…

Why Customer Experience Trumps Low Prices

Many businesses try to slash their prices to the lowest level possible in hopes that consumers will flood through their doors. They think they can vacuum up more customers who want to take advantage of…

8 Sure-Fire Ways to Improve Your Delivery Service

No matter whether you suffer from careless workers causing you traffic fines such as this one, or you only want to boost your ratings in the field of delivery, performance is key. Your delivery flow…

How Likeable is Your Front-Line Customer Service Team?

What are the factors that make a front-line employee as likeable and does this impact your business success? Here are just a few common sense factors that I have seen in my 25 years of…

What MUST Your Small Business Spend Money On?

The business world has come a long way in the last ten years. Today, there are new tools and technology that you are told are essential to success. As a result, it’s tough to know…

A Closer Look at Apples and Oranges

I recently wrote a blog about apples and oranges as a comparison with satisfaction and dissatisfaction. In that blog, I particularly related how the NPS metric was making a large assumption about satisfaction and dissatisfaction…

Top 7 Features to Look for When Choosing a CRM

Whether you have a quickly growing small business or a multi-department corporation, you need to have a great, customer relationship management system (CRM) in place. CRM platforms help keep all the functions of your business…

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