Customer Service

Do You Do “Social Care”?

Social Care is where Social Media and Customer Care collide. It’s the newest buzz phrase in online customer service and it’s something every small business needs to know about.

The Two Sides of Customer Service Training

For any business to deliver good customer service, its employees must have both the attitude and the skills. The best companies know this, and through hiring and training make sure their employees have both.

How the Right Customer Service Can Boost Your Customer Following

While working to entice new customers is important, it is far less expensive to retain current ones. Great customer service is a sure-fire way to earn customer referrals, which will in turn go the extra mile towards building your commercial rep.

Different Strokes for Different Customer Service Folks a Relationship Barrier?

If a brand is trying to attract loyal customers, how are they going to do that if customer service to customers who have not reached that point is less than “good?”

Customer Service Must Be Deeply Rooted in Company’s Culture

The bottom line is that to be the best place to buy you must be the best place to work. Here is your best tactic: Treat your employees the way you want your customers to be treated—maybe even better!

Loyalty is a 2-Way Street

Most companies involved in retail or commercial sales are always looking for customer loyalty. It seems that companies often forget there is another side to loyalty. The other side of the relationship is being loyal to your customers.

A Step a Month to Better Customer Service

We all resolve to do better in a New Year, but how many of us really make a plan? What if you had a concrete plan for customer service improvement for each month of the year?

A Bad Customer Service Example Set by a Manager

Learning experiences are everywhere, and in customer service, you can learn from the bad experiences as well as the good. I had a bad experience the other night, while having dinner at a favorite restaurant.

An Update on Customer Rage

The WP Carey School of Business at Arizona State University has published the 2013 update of the customer rage study. The 2013 version is the sixth study wave. A general conclusion from the study is that if a company handles a complaint well, the customer is more likely to become loyal.

Tweet This: Social Networks Can Boost Your Customers’ Experience

Today, your customers connect and network through social media to get information, express opinions, and share advice. Many companies do so as well. But very few understand the premise that makes a no-profit, low-revenue firm like Twitter worth as much as an asset-rich powerhouse like WellPoint.

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