People Skills

7 Critical Keys to Small Business Employee Loyalty and Retention

There’s a great scene in “Casablanca” where Sam, the piano player, gets the opportunity to move to a rival nightclub and perform for a lot more money: Rick (Humphrey Bogart): Sam, Ferrari wants you to work…

Being Interesting

Millions of people hours are spent every day confronting the issue, “How do we get our customers to be interested in us?” Marketing spends millions in content strategies, overlaid with all sorts of promotion programs….

Tried and True Techniques of Public Speaking

Almost every day you will see someone giving a speech on TV, or you may even attend a conference and witness some of these great speakers first hand. The one thing they all appear to…

How is Your Corporate and Personal Credibility?

A friend of mine recently told me his story of how his very career rests on his credibility with his major supplier–partners. He stated that everything rides upon his credibility when he declares that he…

DIY Leadership

As the owner of a business, there are tasks that only you can accomplish. You have to consistently make sure everything is running smoothly, however there are certain ways of delegating responsibility that will set…

Good Leadership Includes High Emotional Intelligence

Being a successful leader in any field requires more than just hard work and good luck. For those looking to increase their leadership skills, one of the most important areas they should excel in is…

Leadership Skills: 5 Ways to Ignite Passion in Your Team

True leaders have the innate ability to motivate staff to achieve better results. Leading with a passion is what separates great leaders from the “wannabees.” Some people come to work every day, do their job…

How to Get More Employee Support for Company Philanthropy

More than ever before, companies of all sizes are paying attention to their impact on the world outside of their business. Corporate social responsibility has become a key aspect of many operational plans; most businesses…

Emotional Intelligence and Positive Company Culture

Logic and the ability to think critically have long been qualities highly-revered and required in most businesses. Someone who can find a solution to a problem without help is more likely to get work done…

How to Make Your Sales Team More Productive, Part 2

Well-trained sales personnel who are equipped with sound product knowledge, soft skills, and customer-centricity are in the best position to drive sales while maintaining long term relationship with the customers. Part One of this series…

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