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4 Leadership Behaviors That Build High Performance Work Environments
Successful companies understand that achieving success is about addressing larger culture issues within the organization. Getting your organizational culture right is what leads to building a high performance work environment. This starts with leadership.
How the Most Successful Leaders Manage the Brilliant Naysayer
Most every company has a Harold (or Harriet). Typically, he has been with the company for 20-plus years. He knows more about industry norms, the company’s intellectual property, your IT capabilities, what legal will and will NOT go for, interoffice politics, and the CEO’s family than anyone in the building. And unfortunately for you, good old Harold can effortlessly—and with absolutely no malice intended—recite four to six reasons why your idea won’t fly.
Know Your Role As The Owner
As an entrepreneur starting a new business, you often have to wear the hat of cook, dishwasher, accountant, and general manager. However, one of the biggest mistakes a young owner will make is not quickly clarifying their role within the organization.
The Combination That Gives Solopreneurs a Great Chance to Succeed
If you have passion, talent, and a market, then the odds of solopreneurial success are high. But what if you don’t have all three? What combinations will work and which ones won’t?
Manage Your Bottlenecks!
The definition of a bottleneck in your business is one that constricts the flow of work from one area to another in the flow of product or service through your organization. A bottleneck in your organization’s flow can happen, shift, or disappear quickly.
8 Tips to Franchise Your Small Business
If you have a small business that can be easily replicated, then franchising may be one of the best ways to expand it at a fast pace. And if you tackle it the right way, you can certainly pump up your profitability.
Role Models
In order to be a great leader, you have got to be a great role model. Managers often forget that their staff watches their behavior and uses it to guide their own reactions. So what characteristics should the role model of a business—or a non-profit, for that matter—have?
8 Ways to Inspire Employee Behavior That You Can Implement Today
Leaders create the vision, set company goals, and develop strategies—but it is front line employees who execute the plan. They are the ones who carry out the daily tasks and initiatives that help make a leader’s vision become a reality. They are the ones who interact daily with the customers who are the life blood of any successful organization.