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Open Culture
7 Ways to Build Collaboration and Trust into Your Culture
Do you want to build trust and cooperation in your organization? Then walk the talk. It may sound simple, but it’s one of the most effective ways to build trust internally and get people to support your vision.
How to Increase Employee Satisfaction for the Long Haul
Professor Alex Edmans of The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania discovered that businesses with high levels of employee satisfaction perform better than those without.
Something for Nothing
Make sure your employees understand how they can affect the overall business picture. Expect them to think like an owner, and act like an owner. Give them an opportunity to use good judgement—you will be surprised by how well they do.
Can You Change the Culture?
In many ways, culture is when a group of people share the same habits. When you are raised within a certain culture, you don’t recognize those habits until you’re dumped into a culture that practices a different set of habits.
5 Things All Great Leaders Do to Create a Culture of Leadership
What’s the secret to creating a culture of leadership that will take your organization forward for years to come? There is no secret—it starts at the top with you.
Continuing the Cycle: How to Develop the Skills of Future Leaders
Continuing the cycle of strong leaders is possible by being proactive and developing the skills of future leaders. This is possible by embedding leadership development into your organizational culture and establishing strategies that will help identify future leaders internally.
6 Tips for Creating a Professional Work Environment
It’s no surprise that an employee’s attitude can make a huge difference on his or her work. As a manager and leader, you should strive for a positive work environment while helping your employees develop into essential components of the overall team.
Why Leaders Need to Reinforce Company Culture and Values
To create your envisioned organizational culture, it is vital that leaders not only reinforce company culture and values, but also treat it as a dynamic entity and fill the company with leaders and people who reflect the desired company culture.
6 Ways for Leaders to Create Organizational Change
How you approach change is just as important as what you want to change in your organization. If you want to be a transformative leader and create long lasting organizational change, you need to approach it in a way which minimizes negative reactions, is aligned with business strategies and corporate cultures, and is inclusive in nature.
All This Talk is Killing Your Company Culture
Recently, there’s been a lot of talk about “company culture” and what that really entails. A lot of people call BS, claiming that it’s just a way to entice talent, win awards, and get some positive press. So what really is company culture?