Green Initiatives

A 3-Step Guide to Making Money and Being Eco-Friendly

Prevailing wisdom tells us that making money and being eco-friendly are mutually exclusive. At best, they are separate. At worst, they contradict each other. However, as someone who is the founder and owner of a…

6 Easy Ways Your Business Can Save Money

Maintaining a healthy cash flow is something every business needs to prioritize. It’s not just something we should be looking at come tax time or end of the year either—reviewing smarter ways to save money…

The Why and How Behind Sustainable Business

Every business relies on some type of resource for its continued operation. That’s just an economic fact. Many resources are domain specific, and only matter to companies that operate in that domain, but there are…

In the (Green) House

If someone were to say the phrase “urban agriculture,” quaint community gardens would probably come to mind. A vital resource, especially in major metropolises like New York and Chicago, these gardens usually contain a row…

Why Solar Energy is a Smart Investment for Your Business

With climate change and environmental sustainability making recent headlines and gaining global attention, business owners across the U.S. are weighing the advantages and disadvantages of utilizing solar energy to better their company. If you’re like…

Customers Appreciate Green Businesses and It’s Easier Than You Think

Consumers are making more informed choices about what they choose to purchase, compared to a decade ago. More people than ever are looking at environmentally friendly products and services in every industry. So, as an…

A 5-Step Guide to Starting Your Own Green Business from Scratch

Every day people trash a tremendous amount of paper, plastic, metals, and other recyclable materials. While waste is essential to keep the consumer cycle rolling, it is not necessary that it ends up in a…

How Long Should You Keep Your Records?

As tax time approaches, we’ll find ourselves gathering paperwork and typing in the numbers. Once sent, it’s likely we’ll stash them away amongst stacks of taxes from years and years ago. And some years, we…

Do You Know the Environmental Impact of Your Printed Marketing Campaigns?

There is much concern these days for the well-being of the environment and our planet—as there should be. Being a responsible consumer and business owner is an important part of what it means to be…

5 Ways to Reduce Business Costs in 2016

There is no doubt that running a business is expensive. This is an inescapable truth of entrepreneurship. This doesn’t mean, however, that you can’t do anything to curb your overhead or that you have to…

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