
Why Good Writing Matters, and 4 Ways to Teach It To Your Team

In a time of emoticons, abbreviations, and 140 character-count replies, a three-paragraph email is the equivalent of “War and Peace.” But communication is a vital part of office life, whether you’re a lab technician sharing results or a human resources staffer announcing a new wellness program.

The Emperor Has No Clothes: Towards More Responsible Thought Leaders

Lately I’ve been thinking a lot about credibility, expert status, and thought leadership. What makes for a good thought leader? What is a thought leader? And how do you know if those of us who are deemed “thought leaders” actually know what we’re talking about?

Tell Past Customers Why You’re Still Relevant

If your brand is weak, it’s time you put a concentrated effort into shoring it up. Don’t delude yourself into thinking that what I am talking about is changing your logo and slogan. As a matter of fact ignore those items. Concentrate on your reputation.

Entrepreneurs Face Serious Communication Barriers

Founders have to communicate their ideas and products to investors, business partners, and the rest of the team. Communication is not just talking, but also listening, writing, body language, and “actions speak louder than words.”

Make Sure There’s a Real Person Behind Every Communication!

How many times have you received an e-mail or letter from a company or organization without an individual’s name at the bottom? You know… all that’s there is the organization’s name or a person’s title without a name.

The Four Questions Great Leaders Ask

Ever notice how great leaders ask the best questions? A masterful leader will sit Yoda-like in a meeting, listening intently to the dialogue and then, with Zen Master timing, ask a question that will change the tenor, the focus and the performance of the entire team.

Managing in Cyberspace

In today’s work environment, it has become a necessity for many businesses to hire employees or independent contractors who take care of their work out of office. Here are a few keys to help employers manage their out-of-office employees effectively.

How to Say “No” With a Smile and Save Your Startup

Entrepreneurs have to know when and how to say ‘no,’ and be good at delivering the message. All startup leaders are besieged with requests for their time, attention, talent, money, or influence, and sometimes even good requests won’t fit into the time and energy you have available.

Is This the Future of Education and Learning?

The knowledge economy rewards those that are willing to make their own path and invest in constant learning and education. The changes to how business and life works have been more revolution than evolution as information has moved online.

5 Ways Courageous Leadership Evokes Action and Engagement

Courageous leaders set the tone for organizational performance. When leaders establish themselves as a strong and courageous personality they set the tone for the rest of the company and shape the overall culture.

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