Best Practices

Is “Servant Leadership” Too Soft for Today’s Workforce?

It’s a term rooted in ancient philosophy. Robert Greenleaf may have been the first to resurrect the concept in his book published in 1970. Not quite as bold as inverting the management triangle, the concept…

The Mini-Guide to Effective Leadership in the Workplace

In the world of business, effective leaders are critical for harnessing the power of those around them. There are so many pitfalls that leaders need to avoid—trying to be an effective leader can be a…

9 Distinct Strengths That Position You as a Leader

Entrepreneurs inherently understand that they have to be the initial leader of their startup, but often they don’t have the experience or the training to know where their leadership competencies lie, or how to build…

Is Management by Walking Around an Outmoded Fad?

One of the CEOs I coach starts his day by walking the floor of his extended facility and checking in with managers and employees of the various departments, especially the call center. He tries to…

3 Commonly Overlooked Change Management Strategies

Managing change is a HUGE initiative. There are countless moving parts, it involves and impacts everyone in your organization, and it is necessary for your organization to compete, grow and succeed—now and into the future….

Being Passive Can Hurt Your Small Business

When you were in school, did your English or composition teacher tell you to write in active voice, not passive voice? There’s a good reason for entrepreneurs to take that advice not just in writing,…

5 Secrets to Small Business Success

Running a successful small business involves planning, making key decisions, and hiring the right employees. Make sure you plan, prepare and manage your business effectively from day one; this is one of many ways you…

Why Passion and Emotion Are Key Drivers of Sustainable Change

People are emotional beings. While many of us believe we make decisions based on logic, our emotions have a significant influence on our decision making process. Creating an emotional connection with your team is vital…

The Elon Musk Way: From Small Startup Entrepreneur to Tech Mogul

Elon Musk. It’s a name that’s sure to be remembered for generations to come. The reason why his name isn’t in history books yet is because said history is currently being written. Born in South…

Burying Our Heads in the Sand

Nobody likes to admit they have a problem. I suppose it’s human nature, or at least in the world of sales part of the inherent optimism sales people must have to thrive. Individually and organizationally,…

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