Budgeting and Personal Finance

5 Common Financial Mistakes to Avoid

Unless you’re a financial whiz, it’s not always easy to also work out your financial plan and pin down precise numbers; sometimes important financial details can fall by the wayside.

Why You Need to Be Smart About Money—Not Cheap

Understandably, to have money, you need to save. But, the trick to a successful business is not just about saving money. It is also about actual survival. To survive, a business has to grow. If it does not grow, it stagnates, leading to eventual failure.

Cash Flow Surprises That Can Stall Your Business

A company is only as healthy as the cash flow it projects. There are a variety of reasons why the cash flow of a company might suffer. Unforeseen expenses, business expansion, natural disasters, or customer orders drying up at a specific time of the year can be just a few reasons that hamper this process.

What to Do When Your Cash Flow is Down to a Trickle

Cash is the lifeblood of a business. It needs to flow smoothly to keep the business in a healthy, growing state. And yet, cash flow problems are almost the norm, particularly with small businesses.

Money Brain Junk: The Enemy Mindset That Might Be Holding You Back

Do you fear financial struggle? Ever wonder why your business never quite grows past a certain annual revenue, or why you worry about money? Well, of course it could be that your business isn’t well-branded, perhaps your business model needs tweaking, or you might just need some help choosing the right marketing strategies. But frankly, it could very well be your money brain junk that’s holding you back.

5 Cash Management Tricks Every Small Business Owner Should Master

I’m going to let you in on a secret: When I first started my business, I wasn’t very good at managing money. Filling in my knowledge gaps was crucial to my company’s success.

How to Save a Failing Business

The competitive nature of modern economies can leave any company vulnerable to the prospect of financial disaster. Difficulties with debt and creditors can quickly run out of control with anything other than a truly robust business strategy and a reliably winning formula.

Startup Budgeting for Small Business Owners and Entrepreneurs

You have a great idea for a small business—and the business know-how to pull it off. You’ve done your market research and written an airtight business plan. If you think this means there’s no way your business can fail, you may want to take a closer look at your financial plans.

5 Signs That Your Company Could Be Insolvent

Becoming insolvent is generally the stuff of nightmares as far as small business managers and company directors are concerned. However, it is always better to address the issues upfront rather than hoping they might miraculously disappear or somehow resolve themselves.

Personal Credit Card Alternatives for Nonprofits

If you run the finances for a nonprofit organization, chances are you have questions about expense management. While there isn’t an expense management bible specifically for nonprofits, there is a lot of good advice on the internet—the trick is sorting through the muck to find the gems.

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