Murray Newlands

Murray founded The Mail in 2013, an angel-funded start up publication covering performance marketing and mobile marketing. Murray is also editor of and is best known for his video reporting. Murray is an advisor to a number of Bay Area startups. In 2011 Wiley published his book Online Marketing: A User's Manual. Born in England, Murray moved to the USA in 2011, being recognized by the US government as an alien of extraordinary ability.


5 Tips for Content Marketing on LinkedIn

While the concept of paying for social media face time definitely isn’t a new one, sponsored posts certainly help make LinkedIn a more viable content marketing platform. And, depending on your niche, LinkedIn could work wonders for you.

Will Google’s Gmail Update be the Death of Email Marketing?

Just as everybody seems to have become comfortable again Google has announced its plan to roll out a new layout for its Email client, Gmail, which will force Email marketers to rethink, and ultimately rework their methods.

Top 5 Tips for a High Converting Landing Page

As a marketer, a good landing page can mean the difference between success and failure. It’s your first (and potentially last) chance to make a positive impression on potential customers and convince them to purchase your product or service.

Location-Based Targeting Can Boost Mobile ROI

We’ve heard it time and time again—”mobile is the future!” But, besides knowing that mobile is a rapidly burgeoning sector of the digital marketing world, many brands and publishers don’t know how to tap into its huge growth potential.

What To Do If You Are Rejected by Adsense

My friend Oliver recently launched, a forum for the travel industry. The site is growing very fast with thousands of members joining every month, however, when Oliver recently applied to run Adsense on his site, he was rejected.