Michelle Symonds

Michelle Symonds spent many years in the oil industry and investment banking, designing and building software applications and websites, then later managing complex global IT projects. In 2009 she started a consultancy specialising in SEO to use her tech skills in the rapidly growing field of digital marketing, and so Ditto Digital was born. Ditto Digital devises and implements SEO campaigns based on in-depth data analysis and are very pro-active and flexible to adapt to changing requirements or external influences. Their top-level digital marketing services have enabled small companies to successfully compete with major brands in the online space. Find out more at DittoDigital or connect with Michelle on LinkedIn.


The Small Business Owners Guide to Dealing With Peak Season

As any small business owner will tell you, one of the secrets to running a successful company is knowing when your business will be at its peak during the year – and making sure that…


These Are The 5 Main Challenges Small Businesses Face Now

Small businesses are facing many challenges and pressing issues if they wish to survive within their respective markets. Just as the world began to emerge from the unprecedented pandemic, businesses were hit with rapidly rising…

dealing with financial problems

Could Your SME Obtain Corporate Finance To Boost Growth?

Small and medium sized business enterprises seeking to accelerate business growth may need to find funding to bypass the potentially lengthy process of achieving organic growth. They are in a more difficult position than multinational…


The Risks of Implementing Major Business Change & How to Assess Them

It is hard to view a major business change program in its entirety without identifying potential risks to its success, which is undoubtedly a must. After all, if we do not appreciate what could go…

What is Dwell Time and Why It’s Important for Every Business

Dwell time is simply the amount of time visitors stay on any web page on a website. Obviously, the longer a visitor stays on a particular page the better, because they are then much more…


How to Communicate Effectively When Managing Change

Have you heard of the old saying ‘It’s not what you say but how you say it’? It’s a popular adage that seeks to show that you can deliver the same message yet have it…


How Small Businesses Can Use Video Marketing to Their Advantage

Royalty-free image Looking to boost your marketing efforts with video content? Find out why that’s a great idea and how to do it below… Video marketing is a great idea for any business looking to…

Change Management For Tech Startups – Top Tips

Whether you are looking to start a new tech business or have an existing business that has ridden the storm of the past eighteen months, you most certainly will face the challenge of fast-paced ongoing…

Diversity & Inclusion: Best Practices for Project Managers

A project manager will be expected to undertake a significant amount of training to gain professional qualifications during the course of their career. In truth, they never really finish learning as there are always new…

Sustaining The Drive for Organisational Change

Change fatigue may or may not be a phrase that you have specifically heard of, but many businesses are experiencing near constant change and not just because of the unprecedented past year we have all…