Dave Brock

Dave Brock is the founder of Partners in EXCELLENCE, a consulting and services company helping to improve the effectiveness of business professionals with strategy development, organizational planning, and implementation. Dave has spent his career working for and with high performance organizations, ranging from the Fortune 25 to startups, including companies such as IBM, HP, Nokia, AT&T, Microsoft, General Electric, and many, many more. The work Dave does with business strategies is closely tied to personal effectiveness of the people in the organization. As a result, Dave is deeply involved in the development of a number of training and coaching programs.


Handwriting text writing Be The Best Version Of You. Concept meaning going to move away from where are start improving.

You’re Achieving Your Goals, But Are You Achieving Your Potential?

Every month, one of the most important conversations I have is with Lahat Tzvi. While we schedule a 60 minute discussion, they usually last about 2 hours, we have to stop ourselves because they can go…

a collage of various office supplies

Opportunity Math is Within Your Reach

I’m constantly amazed as I look at performance of organizations. I think, “Why do we revel in achieving our quotas and scaling goals, when we could be doing so much more?” I call this, ‘opportunity…

listening to a customer

Do Your Customers Feel Heard?

We are driven to pitch our products and solutions. Our questioning and discovery strategies each have an agenda, we seek answers that enable us to pitch. We have presentations focusing on us, our products, our…

Hourglass on laptop computer concept for time management and countdown to deadline

What is the Right Time for Effective Time Management?

Time management has always been an important concept. I can remember reading all sorts of books on effective time management, even back to college days. I continue to devour them, adapting many of the principles…

a person pointing at a clock implying time isn't being used effectively

Are We Using Our Time More Effectively, or Just Freeing it Up?

Time management is a huge issue for all of us, but particularly important for sellers. A lot of the conversation focuses on “freeing up time.” But as I think about it, is the issue really…

Should You Commit to an Office Lease?

Always true: Rent your first, next, or continuing office with caution.  Several years ago and before COVID’s changes, I became involved with a Southeast Asian company looking to expand into the United States.  During the discussions with…

making a sale intuitively

Are You Selling Intuitively?

Have you ever experienced talking about an opportunity, a situation, or strategy with a very high performing sales person?  Or been with someone dealing with a very complex deal, and all of a sudden they…

sand falling in an hourglass

Make Time Available for Selling

Time available for selling is a critical issue for everyone in sales. But there are many things, both necessary and unnecessary, that distract from that time. Thinking of sellers chained to their desks, constantly on…

calculating the customer's budget

Trying to Figure Out the Customer Budget

“Do they have budget?” is a fundamental qualifying question for every seller. We have all sorts of tricks/techniques for determining the customer budget. There’s the old standby, “What were you planning to spend?” Alternatively, the…

a man being chased away

Don’t Drive Your Customers Away!

I, and so many others, write constantly about how buying is changing and how sellers (sales and marketing) must change to respond to these changes. But how often do we write about how not to…