How do I add search engine optimization to my website?
By: Ed Fox
How do I add search engine optimization to my website?
Answer: We do not know what online marketing tools you currently use; however, search engine registration, keywords, meta tags, and Google geographic search tools are the basic resources to reach the first page of search engines. Also, testing different keywords and other website content is typically necessary to improve Google and other search engine ranking. Most search engines offer two types of search results to their customers: paid results (typically at the top or on the side) and organic or natural results. You can research and locate detailed explanations of the keyword, search engine registration, and other methods and tools to improve organic search engine results at industry websites like the following:
- Steps to Organic Search Success:
- How to Improve Organic Search Results with a Simple Audit:
Below you will find a list of links to popular search engines and links to information and forms on their sites to assist you in submitting your website address (URL).
Search engine registration is often free, but you can review an example list of fees at the following website:
As to improving search engine ranking, some business owners elect to implement Search Engine Optimization (SEO) methods themselves; however, higher search engine rankings can take time to develop and there is no technique, short of paying for a higher search listing that will produce quick results. Google, Bing, and other search engines have varying selection criteria and will give higher listings to those companies that advertise on their sites, which can impact how a search will list the hits. But every business has to assess its target audience and how much of its marketing budget to spend on website marketing versus print, on-site signage, Yellow Pages, and other types of marketing.
Keywords, viral marketing, contact or landing pages, and other inexpensive tools can be used to drive website traffic. The best website marketing tools vary by website based on the purpose (e-commerce, business information, networking, blog, etc), target audience, geographic trade area, and other factors. You can review example industry discussions on free and other website marketing tools at websites like the following:
- 31 Ways to Drive Traffic to Your Business Website:
- Six Simple Principles of Viral Marketing:
Search Engine Optimization (SEO), keywords, banner ads, social networking websites, and blogs are the common Internet marketing tools and methods of driving more traffic to websites. However, the type of website marketing that will be most effective for your business will require analysis and experimentation just like other marketing methods in order to determine what is cost effective to reach the defined target audience and geographic sales trade area for your particular products or services. Website marketing has gotten much more complex as the Internet has matured. Search engines now look for the quality of your content, how closely it pertains to keywords, how long the site has been around, and other factors. In addition, there are Yellow Pages and other online phone directories just like printed directories. The following are SEO information and other website marketing suggestions to consider, including geographic and niche market SEO tools:
1. SEO is the process of achieving top rankings in the search engines for a website’s most relevant search terms. The most relevant search terms, which are those that you want to rank highly for, are the phrases that potential customers are most likely to type into a search engine for determining a website’s product or service offerings. SEO targets these search terms. However, there are no SEO secrets, just ranking and promotion methodologies to follow in order to beat your competitors in obtaining a high ranking for desired search terms. To develop an understanding of SEO techniques, you can review considerable SEO information, tips and suggestions with an Internet search. The following are example websites:
SEO information and resources:
- How Does Search Engine Optimization Work:
- Search Engine Optimization Basics:
- Search Engine Optimization Basics Part 2:
- Search Engine Optimization – A 10 Step Program:
- Self Promotion:
- Search Engine Watch:
Also, you can locate discussions on how to be on the first page of search engine results at industry websites like the following (we have no experience with these services or suggestions):
- How to Get Your Website to the First Page of Google:
- Get to the First Page of Google:
Geographic and niche market search information:
- Get Your Business on Google with Places for Business:
- Google Becomes More Local:
- Using Keywords:
Keywords/AdWords: These and similar methods require trial and testing, but the following is industry information and suggestions for these tools:
Google Keyword Tool:
Keyword Density Analysis Tool:
Free Keyword Tools & Training Videos:
SEO Book Keyword Suggestion Tool:
Find the Best Keywords for your Business:
Place meta tags:
Website traffic analytics: You can consider free website traffic tools like Google Analytics to help analyze your website traffic and determine what SEO, website content, or other online marketing methods may possibly increase your customer traffic and leads:
- Steps to Organic Search Success:
- How to Improve Organic Search Results with a Simple Audit:
Below you will find a list of links to popular search engines and links to information and forms on their sites to assist you in submitting your website address (URL).
Search engine registration is often free, but you can review an example list of fees at the following website:
As to improving search engine ranking, some business owners elect to implement Search Engine Optimization (SEO) methods themselves; however, higher search engine rankings can take time to develop and there is no technique, short of paying for a higher search listing that will produce quick results. Google, Bing, and other search engines have varying selection criteria and will give higher listings to those companies that advertise on their sites, which can impact how a search will list the hits. But every business has to assess its target audience and how much of its marketing budget to spend on website marketing versus print, on-site signage, Yellow Pages, and other types of marketing.
Keywords, viral marketing, contact or landing pages, and other inexpensive tools can be used to drive website traffic. The best website marketing tools vary by website based on the purpose (e-commerce, business information, networking, blog, etc), target audience, geographic trade area, and other factors. You can review example industry discussions on free and other website marketing tools at websites like the following:
- 31 Ways to Drive Traffic to Your Business Website:
- Six Simple Principles of Viral Marketing:
Search Engine Optimization (SEO), keywords, banner ads, social networking websites, and blogs are the common Internet marketing tools and methods of driving more traffic to websites. However, the type of website marketing that will be most effective for your business will require analysis and experimentation just like other marketing methods in order to determine what is cost effective to reach the defined target audience and geographic sales trade area for your particular products or services. Website marketing has gotten much more complex as the Internet has matured. Search engines now look for the quality of your content, how closely it pertains to keywords, how long the site has been around, and other factors. In addition, there are Yellow Pages and other online phone directories just like printed directories. The following are SEO information and other website marketing suggestions to consider, including geographic and niche market SEO tools:
1. SEO is the process of achieving top rankings in the search engines for a website’s most relevant search terms. The most relevant search terms, which are those that you want to rank highly for, are the phrases that potential customers are most likely to type into a search engine for determining a website’s product or service offerings. SEO targets these search terms. However, there are no SEO secrets, just ranking and promotion methodologies to follow in order to beat your competitors in obtaining a high ranking for desired search terms. To develop an understanding of SEO techniques, you can review considerable SEO information, tips and suggestions with an Internet search. The following are example websites:
SEO information and resources:
- How Does Search Engine Optimization Work:
- Search Engine Optimization Basics:
- Search Engine Optimization Basics Part 2:
- Search Engine Optimization – A 10 Step Program:
- Self Promotion:
- Search Engine Watch:
Also, you can locate discussions on how to be on the first page of search engine results at industry websites like the following (we have no experience with these services or suggestions):
- How to Get Your Website to the First Page of Google:
- Get to the First Page of Google:
Geographic and niche market search information:
- Get Your Business on Google with Places for Business:
- Google Becomes More Local:
- Using Keywords:
Keywords/AdWords: These and similar methods require trial and testing, but the following is industry information and suggestions for these tools:
Google Keyword Tool:
Keyword Density Analysis Tool:
Free Keyword Tools & Training Videos:
SEO Book Keyword Suggestion Tool:
Find the Best Keywords for your Business:
Place meta tags:
Website traffic analytics: You can consider free website traffic tools like Google Analytics to help analyze your website traffic and determine what SEO, website content, or other online marketing methods may possibly increase your customer traffic and leads: