3 Best Times to Work on Your Content Marketing
By: Ryan Kettler
When are you most productive during the day? Are you a morning person or a night owl? Do you spring right our of bed without hitting the snooze button once? Or do you require 2+ cups of coffee to break out of your zombie-like stupor (like me)?
I’ve been doing content marketing for over a year now and I can tell you there’s no perfect science for when you should write. I’ve written articles early in the morning, in the afternoon, and late at night. It always depends on my work schedule and how much I have going on from 9-5, Monday through Friday.
Writing can be somewhat time-consuming, especially if you don’t know what to write about. If you really don’t have the time to work on your content marketing during the times I’m proposing, then there are certainly other options, they’ll just cost you more money!
Depending on your personal life and circadian rhythm, see which of these three times works best for you and your content marketing strategy.
1. First thing in the morning
Are you up before the sun? Do you get your morning run/workout in before most of us are even awake? Then writing in the morning is perfect for you. You’ll get your energy boost from your blood pumping and your caffeine jolt. Transfer that energy to your brain and typing muscles!
If you have kids, try to write before they wake up. I know it’s hard but you should try to minimize distractions for maximum efficiency. Set aside 30 minutes to an hour after you get cleaned up, then sit down and write. You could also go into the office before the rest of your team and find a quiet place. Library are always great too!
2. Last thing at night
Are you up late watching your favorite Late Night program or zoning out watching that infomercial for the 100th time in a row? Then writing at night is a better choice for you. While the world is sleeping, you can write in silence (or with your favorite music/background noise). This will allow you to crank out content in no time. Writing works your creativity muscles in your brain. You will probably find it relaxing too. Writing allows you to collect your thoughts after a busy day and prepare for what’s to come tomorrow.
3. Whenever you have a couple minutes
You don’t have to work on your content marketing early in the morning or late at night just because those are optimal times. You can certainly work on it whenever you have time to dedicate to it! Got a couple minutes after your latest meeting? Heading to work on the bus/subway? Waiting for that tea kettle to whistle? Waiting for your kids to get out of school? All of those little 5 minute time periods can quickly add up. If you carry a smartphone, you can start drafting your articles in Evernote and then easily transfer them to your website. Keeping your thoughts organized in the cloud will allow you to work on your content marketing quickly.
Of course, it’s always great having a tool like BoostSuite telling you what to write about based on keyword opportunity and backlink demand! No guesswork required!
When do you like to work on your content marketing and why do you prefer that time? Do you cringe at the thought of waking up before the sunrise? Or does staying up past 9pm ruin your week? Let’s hear what works best for you!
This article was originally published by BoostSuite
Published: February 21, 2014