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Halloween Marketing Ideas

By: Deb Bixler


Halloween Marketing Ideas

Creative Halloween Marketing is #45 on our list of direct sales booking ideas and is something I struggle with every year!

How do you take advantage of this great opportunity to put your literature in the hands of many without being a Halloween Grinch?!

Share your Halloween marketing ideas in the comment section below, please!

Halloween Marketing to Trick or Treaters!

Over the years I have had several different Halloween marketing strategies!

A few Halloween give-aways that I have tried:

Do you want a recipe card for your Mom or a box of raisins?!

This was actually quite effective as most small kids wanted recipe cards. Unfortunately the teens just got pissed off!

Of course the healthy recipe card included my contact info. It was always fun to listen to the little ones as they ran back to their parents: “Mommy, I got you a recipe card!!”

Homemade healthy snack with recipe delivered to the school bus stop.

With a homemade snack you must be sure that the parents are willing to let the kids eat it!  When you hand them out at the bus stop with a separate printed recipe the parents know exactly who they came from.

This was very popular because the kids got a nice snack on a day when they did not get any other treats.

One year I did Brown Rice Krispie Treats and another year I made Whole Wheat Pumpkin Cookies.

On Halloween the rest of the neighborhood may not be too happy that the lights are off.

After a couple years of this I decided to give up on the healthy twist and just focus on getting my name out into the community.

Custom-made Hershey’s chocolates with pre-printed contact information on the back.

These were very professional looking. I did get a few new clients as a result of them so I would say that they were a good investment!

The candies come already assembled and wrapped and can be custom made with any information that you want on the back.

Custom Stickers Made From Zazzle

This year I ordered these custom stickers made from Zazzle and I plan to stick them on my treat of choice.

They do not look quite as good as the Hershey chocolates but were inexpensive.

Share Your Halloween Marketing Ideas

While getting your name into a Halloween Jack-O-Lantern bucket may not be the most lucrative lead generation system, it will put you out into the community and bring in an occasional lead!

Take advantage of every lead generation system available to you!

One perk of this is that now your Halloween candy is an income tax deduction….

That was really my motivation all along! LOL

What Halloween marketing ideas do you have? Tell us in the comments, please!

Published: October 16, 2017

Source: Create a Cash Flow Show

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Deb Bixler

Direct sales party plan educator, Deb Bixler, host of the Cash Flow Show - Direct Sales Radio is the leading authority for home party plan business training. Recognized worldwide, Deb provides corporate consultancy, party plan coaching, online and live training events as well as social media management for the home business consultant.

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