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How to Get What You Want in 2014

By: Pamela Slim


I always laugh when people comment that I seem to be very productive. I think it is based on the illusion created by social media, when all we see are celebrations of finished blog posts, or program announcements, media coverage or photos of glamorous travel.

I have huge spaces of bumbling around, head scratching and confusion, just like the rest of the world.
But I have been getting much more focused and effective as the years have gone by. And this is by very conscious design.
This year, I was able to run a profitable business, write a book, get my black belt in Mixed Martial Arts and build new strategic corporate partnerships. All while being a present and engaged Mom to my two kids.
What is the key to getting things done and enjoying your life?
The four things that have made a big difference for me this year are the following:
  1. Identify Your Strengths.
    You have multiple interests and talents, but you can do only a handful of things exceptionally well. Zero in on the work that will leverage your strengths, and you are much more likely to do great work.
  2. Focus Your Goals.
    My friend Charlie Gilkey taught me that it is extremely difficult to do more than three major initiatives in a year. If you want to get big goals accomplished, you have to be ruthless about your priorities. At the end of 2011, Ramit Sethi recommended that I should stop launching so many small programs and instead focus on developing a longer and more profitable program. This led to the successful launch of Power Boost Marketing, a year-long program that allowed me to work with a group of entrepreneurs in a deep way, while generating stable and healthy cash flow.
  3. Surround Yourself with a Great Team.
    I have worked hard to build a network of exceptionally smart peer mentors. I rely on them for creative input, decision making and support. I have also built a team around my business that allows me to do my best work. My full-time assistant Sheila Sanders has improved the quality of my life, and the quality of customer support for my business. My partnership with Tim Grahl’s firm Out:think has allowed my business to grow, and is preparing me for a strong and effective book launch. Adding the right people to your team is a key part of growth.
  4. Own your B.S.
    When I was in the middle of writing my new book Body of Work, I got a bad case of writer’s block. My friend Michael Bungay Stanier talked me down from the ledge, and helped me see that my thoughts about the creative process were getting in the way of my creative output. Once I changed my thoughts, the writing flowed, and I was able to finish the book on time.
Because  these lessons have been so effective for me,  I have designed a 2-day event, called Body of Work Live, and invited some of the smartest and most successful people I know to be keynote speakers.
How is Body of Work Live different from most conferences?
  • The ideas in the keynotes build in a logical way that leads you to a clear, coherent plan for 2014
    I have taken great care to plan the agenda with the speakers so that there is cohesion among the topics, and there is a perfect blend of inspiration and logical, actionable advice.
  • There are learning labs built in the schedule so you can debrief, process and apply the framework and insights from the keynotes into your own business and career plans
    Most conference agendas are packed, with speakers booked back to back. This experience will be different. We will have multiple opportunities to discuss and apply the ideas in the keynotes to our actual career in business plans, with input from the speakers themselves.
  • We will plan, support and facilitate effective networking with a Conference Ambassador.
    Before, during and after the event, Mike Ambassador Bruny will facilitate connections between participants, so that you feel welcome, valued and integrated into the conference community. We will tailor the experience toward your communication style, whether you are introverted or extroverted.
  • The conference size is small enough to build strong connections and big enough to get a diversity of ideas and input
    Large conferences with thousands of participants can be exciting. They can also be exhausting. Body of Work Live will be a warm, energizing, creative environment that will allow you to be inspired while getting a real plan done for 2014. It is being held at a beautiful hotel in North Phoenix that has spacious rooms, hiking trails and a water park.
What do you want in 2014?
  • Do you want to write a book?
  • Launch your business?
  • Change careers?
  • Grow your platform and profile?
  • Get more work/life balance?
  • Change your business model?
  • Make more money?
We can help.
This conference is priced many times less than my normal retreats. This is intentional. I want to make it accessible for all those who are ready to really make a splash in 2014.
Please join me at Body of Work Live on October 25th and 26th. I am so excited to help you reach your goals in 2014.
Click here for details and registration: http://bodyofworklive.com
This article was originally published by Escape from Cubicle Nation
Published: September 20, 2013

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Pamela Slim

Pamela Slim is an award-winning author, speaker and leader in the new world of work. She spent the first 10 years of her solo practice as a consultant to large corporations such as Hewlett-Packard, Charles Schwab and Cisco Systems. In 2005, she started the Escape from Cubicle Nation blog, now one of the top career and business sites on the web. She has coached thousands of budding entrepreneurs, in businesses ranging from martial art studios to software startups. She is the author of the award winning book Escape from Cubicle Nation and is working on her second book Body of Work, due to be published in December, 2013.

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