Building a Brand Means Going the Extra Mile

When someone pays a ridiculous amount of money for something you sell, they want to be reassured that they made a good call. They want to be your fan. Let me say that again—they want to be your fan. But you have to extend the invitation and make the effort.
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Tell Past Customers Why You’re Still Relevant

If your brand is weak, it’s time you put a concentrated effort into shoring it up. Don’t delude yourself into thinking that what I am talking about is changing your logo and slogan. As a matter of fact ignore those items. Concentrate on your reputation.
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5 Ways to Get Great Customer Testimonials

Customer testimonials help making selling your product easy. Potential prospects often want proof that your product works the way that you claim it does. Customer success stories help validate your product and your company in general. If a customer loves your product, you have an easy job on your hands.
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Why Should You Take Email Marketing Seriously?

While some of you are aware of what email marketing is, for many others it is a new way of maintaining connection with your audience. However, the buzz is everywhere. Like social media, email marketing is an indispensable business tool. It allows to build and maintain a relationship with your prospects and customers.
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How to Mine Your Customer List for Sales Gold

As a business owner, your biggest potential gold mines are often closer than you think—it’s just a matter of knowing where to look. By going beyond what’s worked in the past and being open to new strategies, you’ll be surprised by how many untapped profit centers are just within your reach.
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5 Steps to the Mother Lode

That next telephone call or email could be the mother lode of opportunities. Of course, if the mother lode is to fall into your lap, it won’t come by happenstance, but through a concerted effort.
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16 Tips for Networking Smarter

If networking intimidates you—or you think you’re all set and don’t need to do it to begin with!—think again. Refer back to these tips the next time you’re looking for a reference for a personal or business service, a job lead, a new hire, or any number of other things a strong network can provide.
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