
Under30Media is the leading media property for educated, ambitious, 20-somethings. We pride ourselves in helping the next generation reach their goals and be successful in both business and in life. Under30Media owns and operates four platforms: Under30CEO.com, Under30Finance.com, Under30Careers.com, and Under30Experiences.


Work vs. Life: How to Achieve a Better Balance

Work. Life. It’s the war of the worlds. At least, it seems like it. You work all day, and it never seems like you get a break—even when you kick your feet up on the coffee table at home. You’re stressed out, and you’re not getting good sleep.

5 Steps to Building a Culture of Communication

It’s important to understand the gravity of effective communication in business, then build a culture around it. Putting great communication at the center of your business is the greatest way to ensure success.

3 Most Common Marketing Mistakes Young Entrepreneurs Make

Why do smart, hard-working people with good intentions crash and burn? It’s often a combination of factors, from co-founder conflict to funding issues and execution struggles. But at the core of it, businesses fail for one fundamental reason: they can’t sell their stuff.

Are You Suffocating from Ambition?

Uncertainty is important, but what it really boils down to is a reduction in the amount of control you feel you need to possess. In other words, if you concentrate on your expertise and the various other things that are crucially important to you (your core values), everything else will come together.

Win Friends. Influence People. Achieve What You Want.

You have heard that to succeed, you just need to work hard, study hard, learn a lot. But there’s more to it than just that. One very important element is to surround yourself with people you admire. It takes people skills to surround yourself with people you admire but these are skills which can be learned.

Why Good Writing Matters, and 4 Ways to Teach It To Your Team

In a time of emoticons, abbreviations, and 140 character-count replies, a three-paragraph email is the equivalent of “War and Peace.” But communication is a vital part of office life, whether you’re a lab technician sharing results or a human resources staffer announcing a new wellness program.

The Best and Worst Traits of an Entrepreneur: Which Do You Have?

You may be an ambitious and energetic person planning to start on your own. But ambition and energy alone aren’t sufficient to take you to the next level. I have met, observed, and studied several entrepreneurs. I have found that they possess some specific traits that played a key role in the eventual success or failure of their businesses.

How to Turn Your Customers into Company Evangelists

Ever wonder how companies like Apple are able to get its customers to advertise for them? That company has some of the most enthusiastic users on the planet. Apple’s secret? Education.

Looking to Raise Money? Tips for Financing Your Business

For many young entrepreneurs with start-up businesses, one of the most difficult obstacles they encounter is raising money. Coming up with capital for your business may be relatively easy…

An Unconventional Path to Better Business: Raise Your Rates & Turn Clients Away

When I started out my own business, I made so many mistakes. A year and a half later, the company’s revenue has increased by over 300% and my personal profit has increased by more than that. Want to know the reason? I did two things: I raised my rates and got pickier about the clients I work with.