
Under30Media is the leading media property for educated, ambitious, 20-somethings. We pride ourselves in helping the next generation reach their goals and be successful in both business and in life. Under30Media owns and operates four platforms: Under30CEO.com, Under30Finance.com, Under30Careers.com, and Under30Experiences.


Realistic Options for Financing Your Startup

One of the first challenges new entrepreneurs face is finding a way to finance their businesses. You have a great business idea but little money to implement it; and, like every entrepreneur before you, you try to scrounge enough money to launch your startup—your dream.

5 Quick and Easy Ways to Ramp Up Your Online Security

Let’s face it, the reason you started your own business was hardly to wear the hat of system admin and spend your days worrying about the security and impregnability of your online systems, customer data and IP, was it?

Why Failing Can Be Good

Over the years, I’ve had multiple businesses fail on me. But for every failure, I’ve gained priceless knowledge and insight which has helped me in my next venture. The key is to not give up. Keep yourself motivated and focused as you push on to your next venture.

4 Free Channels to Attract New Customers

So you’ve created your very first business but you’re struggling to find customers? It’s a really common problem. Don’t worry though; there are hundreds of marketing channels out there that will drive customers straight to your door!

5 Characteristics of Great Mentors

There are many qualities needed to be a good mentor. However, there are a few that stand out that I would like to share with you. Here are the top 5 characteristics I’ve seen in great mentors:

Start(up) After Answering These 3 Questions on Risk

Embracing risk is important; it’s part of being an entrepreneur. However, a fundamental difference exists between taking calculated risks and being reckless altogether.

6 Time-Saving Apps to Boost Your Productivity

As a founder of a start up I make every second of each day count. This sounds a bit dramatic but like most passionate people I wake up every day wanting to squeeze the most out of every minute that I’m awake, so I’m always on the look out for anything that makes me more efficient.

6 Things I Wish I’d Known Before I Started My Company

My company is approaching its tenth anniversary. This important milestone has prompted me to look back at my decade as an entrepreneur. Founding and running a company has been the ride of my life, but it has had its fair share of ups and downs.

You Inherited the Family Business—Now What?

The baton is passed; the papers are signed; the nameplate on the door has been changed. The family business is now your business, and what you do with it over the next few months will help chart its course for generations to come.

How to Successfully Relocate Your Young Startup to a New City

Moving is always a hassle, no matter if it’s to a new state, city, or even just down the street. Moving can be even more stressful if you’re not only relocating your life, but also your company. Sometimes, however, moving is necessary to grow you business, especially if you started your company in your home or college town.