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7 Examples of Call-to-Action Best Practices

By: Synecore


7 Examples of Call to Action Best Practices

Transforming website visitors into prospective leads, calls-to-action (CTAs) play a vital role in initiating two core elements of the inbound marketing process: lead generation and lead conversion. For your CTAs to work effectively, you must ensure they are part of a well-executed inbound strategy. Check out our top call-to-action best practices to see how you can begin increasing your inbound conversion rates.


Published: August 24, 2015

Source: SyneCore



SyneCore combines inbound marketing methodology with integrated digital technology to create abundance for our clients. We articulate your company’s vision by using written, audio, and visual media to inform and entertain new prospects and existing customers. We integrate your web, social, and mobile presence into one seamless user experience to ensure your brand is always in the right place at the right time. We use data to compare marketing initiatives with real-world results, always striving to improve on key performance indicators.

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