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6 Important Ways to Save Big Bucks When Building a Website

By: Alex Murphy


Important Ways to Save Big Bucks When Building a Website

Building a website is like building a house—you have to have a budget. When that budget is tight you have to decide how to make your money give you the best results. There are plenty of systems that let you design and build your own website.

If you’re thinking about building a business website, the anticipated costs may make you uneasy. Having your own website is essential for any business, as it can promote the products and attract customers. But will you really need to spend a lot of money on it, right from the start? Fortunately, there are ways to keep the new business website within the budget.

We spoke with SEO Chicago-SEO Services USA who offered 10 tips for building a professional-looking website add-on with one of the:

  1. Crowdsource Your Design: A website design alone often costs $1,500 or more, without even factoring in development work & programming. To save money at this stage, consider using a crowdsourcing company, which can provide a wide variety of sample designs.

However, you’ll still need to find a developer to turn the design into a working website. When you’re ready to turn the design mockup into a working site, seek out another student or a novice in website development who may be willing to negotiate rock-bottom prices.

  1. Barter for Services: If you know any website designers or developers personally or are members of the same professional association, consider asking them whether they to work in bartering. If a business offers professional services such as accounting or legal assistance – creatives may agree to work entirely or partially in trade.
  2. Outsource Work: Agencies in India and other Asian countries with a lower cost of living are generally able to underbid U.S based designers for web development and design projects.
  3. Use an Existing Design Theme: You can save a lot of money by using a free or premium theme. WordPress offers more than 1,400 free themes.
  4. Prepare for Stages: A website development from start to finish involves a few stages. The key ones are along the lines of:
  • A Meeting to Discuss Your Requirements: This part is one of the most important times of the entire project. Going to your first meeting is going to shape so many important things which will affect how much it will cost, what features it will have and of course, how long it will take to create.
  • Making up a Plan of Your Site: In this, the plan is drawn up which will list all of the details and features of your site, together with the price and a scheduled start time for your project.
  • Initial Visual Layouts for Approval: The next step leads to the approval of proof which will usually either be a fixed visual or in some cases, it may be a feature limited online version, with place holding areas to represent features and information.
  • The rest of your site is then set up based on these plans and layouts.
  • After some changes, the site is approved and goes live.
  1. Consider a Search Engine Optimization package: SEO is a crucial part of website development but obviously, comes into existence after website development. Not focusing on SEO is one of the biggest invisible mistakes your startup can make. Here are some factors to consider;
  • On page & Off page: When the SEO service provider optimizes your website itself to make it better on content and keywords, we call it On-Page. When SEO service providers give meaningful backlinks to your website to boost traffic on the website then it is known as Off-page. Choose an SEO package where the business gets the most from both Off and On page optimization at an affordable price.
  • Negotiation: A little research and groundwork can find a company that can provide the services the business need at the price you want to pay.
  • Performance Based Pay: Some SEO companies offer performance-based pay options to their clients. This means they will charge a certain sum of money if the website appears in the top 100 results of the Search Engine Results Pages.
  • Rank Based Pay: Many SEO companies charge their clients only after the desired rank is achieved by the website in the Search Engine Results Page.
  • Set up Charges: Whenever it’s time to approach an SEO company to get the website optimized, always choose an SEO package of the company who is willing to waive off the setup charges.

All the above areas have the potential to save you some time and money if you are looking to keep your costs low. Having your own website is essential for any business, as it can promote your products and attract customers.

There are plenty of systems that let you design and build your own website. Keep in mind that no matter what you start with now, your site can always continue to grow and develop with your business in the long run.


Published: May 24, 2017

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Alex Murphy

Alex Murphy is a professional photography blogger who specializes in helping others find new fans and followers by blogging and participating on social media. You can follow along on Twitter: @alexmurphy001

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