Posts Tagged ‘Website’
Building a Website Your Users Will Love
How quickly times change. Now, a business isn’t considered legitimate until they have a web presence. No matter what it is you sell, odds are your prospects are going to visit your website to decide if you’re even in the running.
Read More The Marketing Strategy for Bloggers with No Money
When I started as a blogger I had no spare cash to buy advertising or even for investing in a professional web design for my blog. In fact the credit card company had my number on speed dial!
Read More Your Site Might Not Be Optimized for Humans: 7 User-Friendly Tips
Search engine optimization is a topic that comes up repeatedly for businesses of all sizes. For some small businesses, it can even be a make or break factor. Therefore, a topic of this importance deserves more attention than just blindly accepting the trends and buzzwords du jour.
Read More Digital Customer Service: Opportunity to Connect with Customers
As technology keeps advancing, the gap between in-person customer service and the online customer experience is closing. While there is still no substitute for the personal experience that comes from dealing with another human being, some websites are employing very personalized tactics.
Read More Should You Align Your Content Marketing and SEO Efforts?
Organic search is the greatest driver of traffic, at 47 percent of all visits compared to just 6 percent of paid search, according to Conductor. The question, then, is how can you align your efforts to optimize and market content?
Read More eCommerce and SEO: 24 Tips to Improve Conversions
Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) is an essential task to drive the numbers of visitors to a site and transform them into a valuable customer for your business. There are many facets involved in CRO, from user experience to data analysis.
Read More 3 Ways Publishers Can Optimize for Conversions
Conversion rate optimization is the best way to increase revenues without increasing the amount of money being spent on advertisements. Here are three ways that publishers can increase conversions.
Read More Is Your Website Sales Funnel-Shaped?
Remember that most buyers want to be pretty sure they’re going to buy before they speak to a salesperson or company representative. When they do reach out, they may have some final questions but they’re very close to making a buying decision.
Read More Getting Tangled Up in Link Networks is a Bad Idea
Many webmasters (and not a few SEOs) are unsure exactly what a link network is. That hazy understanding can lead innocent site owners to pay money to unscrupulous types for a service that will bite them in the behind.
Read More Drive More Traffic Through Website Personality
To get the attention of web users, try giving your website a personal touch. Doing so helps you better draw in the specific audience you are trying to target.
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