Posts Tagged ‘Team’
7 Keys to Success with an Employee Ownership Culture
One of the lessons I have learned over the years as a business executive, and now as a mentor to entrepreneurs, is that if you really want employees who enthusiastically take ownership of their work, you have to start treating them like owners, not renters. Owners feel they have skin in the game, and benefit…
Read More2 Simple Customer Experience Principles to Live By
Tommy Smothers of the Smothers Brothers – if you don’t remember them, look them up on YouTube – used to have a short comedy routine about golf with a title something like, “The 37 most important things to remember during your downswing.” While the routine was especially hilarious to anyone who has ever taken a…
Read MoreTop 5 Ways to Communicate Better with Your Employees
Do you feel like the communication between you and your employees has been a little off lately? Out of all the challenges business owners are faced with, sometimes, team communication can be the most difficult. This is probably partly because effective communication doesn’t just happen at the snap of a finger. Effectively communicating with your…
Read MoreYou Need These 4 Essential Elements to Streamline Your IT Infrastructure
Few things are costing today’s companies more money and wasted time than outdated IT infrastructure. Despite how important tech has become in the contemporary economy, too many businesses are unwilling or unsure of how they should go about modernizing and streamlining their digital infrastructure. Luckily for those companies that have yet to make the leap…
Read MoreEmployees: Your Most Important Audience
Companies fall into a very familiar pattern. We invest a significant amount of time and energy into chasing after and wooing new customers. We spend the lion’s share of our communications and marketing dollars trying to convince people who have no idea who we are that they should buy what we sell. There’s nothing wrong…
Read More9 Modern HR Policies to Boost Your Company Culture
In an increasingly competitive job market, sometimes the only thing that differentiates your firm is the company culture. Candidates know this, and rather than just settling for a job where they turn up each day and get paid for it at the end of the month, they’re grilling potential workplaces about the other benefits that…
Read MoreNo (Wo)Man is an Island
John Donne penned a famous poem, No Man Is An Island, as part of his Devotions on Emergent Occasions. Even in 1624, apparently there were problems with silos, self-centeredness, and the behaviors/mentalities that result. We tend to focus on ourselves, our jobs/goals/responsibilities. Whether we are a customer or whether we are in roles that serve customers,…
Read MoreWant to Build a Winning Team? Don’t Ignore These 4 Essential Elements
Why do some companies consistently grow profits and revenues every year and others, seemly in the same type of business, crash and burn? Certainly, there are many factors, including many that are not within our control (luck). However, there is one very important predicate to success, and it is completely within our control: A Functional…
Read MoreAre You Unknowingly Inhibiting Your Team Members from Doing Their Jobs?
Results, results, results: When you’re in a position of leadership, this is probably the thing that occupies your mind and dictates your actions the most. However, as managers and leaders, we are responsible for so much more than just results. We’re responsible for the people we lean on to get them. There’s no such thing…
Read MoreTop 6 Benefits of Working with Family
Given the right conditions, an enterprise where you’re working alongside family can work spectacularly well. And these kinds of business can often generate a truly special atmosphere which is hard to create in any other way. Equally, this same scenario can sometimes throw up some unique problems of its own. So to help you decide…
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