The Limits of Your Knowledge

I don’t know everything. That might sound like an obvious statement, and I would hope that every other person would be willing to admit as much, too. But even after acknowledging the limits of your knowledge, what are you doing about it? Because I don’t know everything, I make it a priority to keep on…

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5 Expectations Your Team Has for You as a Leader

Leaders help create powerful, cohesive teams that enable organizations to achieve their targets. Part of being a great leader is understanding what the members of your team expect from you. By understanding their expectations you become a better leader and help them become an even stronger team that can achieve anything. Here are 5 important expectations…

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How to Invest in Your Staff When You’re a Small Business

For a small business to truly thrive, hiring the right group of employees is crucial. But today it’s simply not enough. Shaping your employees into a winning team takes more than finding the right crew on paper; it’s a process that involves knowing what your employees want to work well and establishing team building skills…

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5 Tips to Keep Your Call Center Team Engaged

With the increasing emphasis placed on a customer-oriented business approach nowadays, top-notch customer service is the main goal of every contact center. Unfortunately, with the unbelievably high volume of calls coming in every day, providing excellent customer service by call centers can be a legitimate challenge. By focusing on a few important issues, any call…

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Build, Encourage, and Recognize Your People

When John David Mann and I talk about “Building Your People” (Key #2 from The Go-Giver Leader) we mean that in a couple of ways: one is to teach, mentor, and coach them to becoming more effective, both in their defined role within the organization as well as in their own ability to lead others. Second is to make…

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Are You the Manager You Think You Are?

“When you’re in the muck you can only see muck. If you somehow manage to float above it, you still see the muck but you see it from a different perspective. And you see other things too. That’s the consolation of philosophy.” ~David Cronenberg The ability to manage employees well is critical in every type…

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How Can Your Business Nurture Intrapreneurs?

It’s no surprise that so many business leaders today want to bring an innovative, creative approach to their already established companies. To do this, they are turning to intrapreneurs—employees with the energy and creativity to turn an entrepreneurial eye towards specific internal issues or opportunities faced by a company. Of course, it’s not as simple…

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9 Best & Cheapest Collaboration Tools for Startups

Running a startup in today’s economy is no easy task, with high expenses and low margins. Collaboration is also a major issue for most start-ups because they don’t usually have the funds required to set up efficient communication and logistic infrastructures. Thankfully though, there are currently 100s of collaboration tools that you can use when…

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Super Leadership and a Super Bowl

Go-Giver Leaders tend to be less interested in taking the stage than they are in giving the stage. They are less concerned about themselves than they are about their team and the individuals who comprise that team. Rather than, “look how great I am!” they authentically communicate how fantastic those on their team are! And, they communicate this, not just to…

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5 Attributes of People Who Will Grow Your Business

A question I often get asked as an advisor to startups is how to recognize and attract the best people to grow the business. The reality is that entrepreneurs usually don’t have the money or time for executive recruiters to do the filtering and selection for them. If your primary source of candidates is friends,…

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