Reinvent Your Business!

Businesses that forgot to reinvent If only newspaper publishers, book publishers, record companies, and movie producers would have had the vision to see their future as we now see it, we might have become a digital society with much less disruption and loss of jobs than we have experienced these past years—and continue to experience.…

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How the Digital Supply Chain Will Change the Future of Manufacturing

A transformation of manufacturing supply chains is ushering in the fourth modality of logistics. To ground, air, and ocean, manufacturers can now add digital. The move to the digital supply chain—the power source for Industry 4.0—creates multiple opportunities for every company in every industry. But every revolution needs exemplars to help lead the way, and…

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3 Ways to Improve Communication in Your Supply Chain

Supply chains are wonderful at creating state-of-the-art products with the help of B2B companies across America. However, poor communication in one part of the chain can cause the entire system to topple like dominoes. Trust us — it’s not a pretty sight. So, when you’re a supply chain manager, maintaining clear communication channels within your…

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Your Product’s Supply Chain Hits More Countries Than You Realize

With the world becoming more connected, it’s time to think big, even if you’re a small business. Importing can allow businesses to keep costs low while maintaining quality, whether it be importing raw materials or components still to be constructed, or fully formed items ready for point of sale. The ability to export finished products…

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How to Make Your Small Business More Efficient

In an economic climate where a small business may require a massive investment of capital in order to get off of the ground, being able to cut the costs of operations can be a major source of assistance to productivity as well as staying in the black.
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Mobile Trends Shaping Supply Chain Management

Over recent years, we have seen mobile technology and processes slowly creeping into businesses, changing the way in which we communicate with one another. These wireless, speedy, and handy devices are even beginning to shape the way in which supply chain management works.
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