How Carta is Saving Mom and Pop Businesses

Have you ever stopped to think about exactly how much worked goes into getting the things we buy from the manufacturers to our homes/workplaces/bodies? It’s truly mind boggling to contemplate exactly how complicated that work is and when you own a business that buys and sells things, I don’t know if any of us can truly understand.
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Hungry Entrepreneurs Always Seem to Find Capital

Every startup needs access to capital, whether for funding product development, for initial rollout efforts, acquiring inventory, or paying that first employee. Most entrepreneurs think first of bank loans as the primary source of money, only to find out that banks are really the least likely benefactors for startups. Thus “creative” really means maximizing non-bank financing.
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From Idea to Launch in 6 Weeks

Starting a new tech business is an incredibly hard feat when you have minimal workers, minimal funds and only second hand knowledge and hypotheses. You might have the ability to make a stunning site with an incredibly innovative concept behind it, but there’s a whole load more behind making your startup business a success.
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