How to Turbocharge Your Social Media Marketing Campaign

When it comes to social media marketing, startups, especially those that are operating on a limited budget, can use all the help they can get. A well run social media campaign can help a new business drum up interest, generate customers, and make sales. Social media offers an avenue for startups to capture some space…

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A Win-Win for Social Media

Most companies in the US are using social media as an important channel for communicating with customers. One of the primary reasons for using the social media is to provide information regarding products and services. Several studies such as one done by Simply Measured indicates that only about one third of the companies that use…

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What Are Your Top Priorities for Social Media Marketing?

It’s likely that social media marketing is an important part of your overall marketing strategy for 2017. But, have you planned your top priorities for this year? As a small-medium business or nonprofit organization, your budget doesn’t allow for big-buck tactics. So, I’ve compiled a list of affordable options based on what some experts and studies are…

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3 Ways to Boost Social Media Presence

Social media is the great new marketing landscape. In fact, if you don’t have a social media presence yet, you’re setting yourself up for failure. Studies have shown that 84% of Millennial consumers check out business profiles on social media and company websites before they make a purchase. That means that if they can’t find…

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Social Media and Small Business: What You Need to Know

The time when social media was to be considered as “something for the youngsters” has passed. Today popular social platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and the like, have become marketing giants. Over 2/3 of internet users have social media accounts, which offer businesses valuable insight into their customer base. And of course, since having a…

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Social Media Magic: How to Build a Powerful Marketing Campaign

The ultimate goal of developing a social media marketing campaign should be to connect with prospective and existing customers on a personal level. To this effect, business owners and brand managers should aim for positive brand awareness combined with clear objectives that can be measured through simple analytics. Here are four steps that should be…

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How to Avoid Social Media Mishaps in the Workplace

It’s early on a Monday morning, but your office is already buzzing. At first, this seems like a good thing—your employees are hitting the ground running to start off the week—but your excitement turns to dread when you overhear a conversation: “Can you believe what Joe from sales tweeted yesterday?” We’ve all cringed and laughed…

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5 Reasons Why Social Media is Your Most Powerful Marketing Tool

The internet has completely changed the business world and social media has revolutionized the way companies market themselves. Have you moved with the times? Social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram started out as great ways to interact with friends and colleagues online. Now, they’re leading the way as a vital marketing method for…

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