10 Supervisor Mistakes—and How to Avoid Them

Supervisors are often the front line for shaping employee engagement and productivity as well as overseeing compliance with workplace policies like time tracking and leave of absence requests. Mishaps in these areas can create a lot of headaches for employers.
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Self-Discipline is the Key to Success

Over the years, I have had the opportunity to work with more than 3,000 leaders, and I have observed they just about all share one common key to success. It is not intelligence, education or training but self-discipline that has enabled them to excel in their respective fields.
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4 Principles of High Productivity

In a time of constant movement, constant communication, continual achievement, and an ongoing list of to-dos, at the end of the day we feel we’ll never get ahead. It seems like our days are controlling us, rather than us controlling them.
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How Do You Know You’re Making an Impact?

For most entrepreneurs, there’s more to starting a business than wanting to make your own hours. Founders of businesses who seek to solve a problem or positively affect their community, or social entrepreneurs, are driven by something greater than the bottom line.
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Involve Your Employees in Your 2014 Plans

It’s December. The last month of the year. The holidays are upon us. If you are like me, you comment on how quickly the year has flown by and start reminiscing about its good and bad points. Then your focus turns to 2014.
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Create a Business Plan

When people plan a road trip, they generally like to map out in advance where they would like to go, how much time they will spend, etc. For entrepreneurs, a business plan provides a road map or where you want your business to go.
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