Posts Tagged ‘Relationships’
How to Work with Difficult But Important Business Clients
All small business owners have had experiences with difficult clients. It’s a fact of life when you run your own company. Whether these clients are slow with payments, criticize your work, or simply give you a headache, it’s important to know how to deal with them. This is especially true when you’re just starting out.…
Read MoreHow Small Businesses Can Benefit from Hosting Events
Although marketing has moved in leaps and bounds and is now in the digital age, events still stand out as powerful tools for businesses. A carefully planned and well-executed event can be the catalyst to marketing success. An event can help expose your brand to a wider audience, inform people what your business is all…
Read MoreSales on the Go: Better In-Person Advertising
In-person interactions are touted as one of the most effective marketing strategies for any small business owner. With a global marketplace, the way organizations have altered communication with vendors, colleagues, and even employees has changed. Moving away from in-person communication has made many industries much different today. As the distance between individuals has grown, it’s…
Read MoreIs It Time to Ditch the Term “Social”?
Is social media social? What at first blush might seem like a highly ironic and utterly absurd question has a surprisingly firm grounding in reality, at least in today’s existing digital marketing reality. When you take a moment to stop and think about it, much of the largely two-way interplay on the ubiquitous digital communications…
Read MoreHow to Make Emotional Targeting Work for B2B
Many B2B marketers believe they should use a logic-based, black and white detached approach in their marketing campaigns, but a recent study shows that tapping into buyers’ emotions increases conversion rates. In fact, crafting a connection with prospective buyers using an emotion-focused strategy has been found to have up to twice the impact of marketing campaigns that center…
Read MoreTreat Your Customers with Respect
“Customers may forget what you said, but they’ll never forget how you made them feel.” ~Unknown So many businesses just do not seem to respect their customers. Some of the common issues I see that tell me this are when businesses leave an open sign in the window when they are closed and do not…
Read More5 Ways to Boost Your Business Using the Connection Economy
I believe it was Seth Godin who, a few years ago, coined the term “connection economy.” The idea is that value is generated by making connections rather than pumping widgets out of the tail end of an assembly line. I might put a little sharper focus on this and say that for almost every small…
Read MoreWhen Do You Do Your Best Selling?
The lives of most sales people seem to be split between two types of frenzied activities—prospecting, trying to find someone willing to talk to you, and chasing down deals. Often, our engagement models are reflections of this frenzy. We send 1,000s of emails, hoping enough people respond. For those that do, we’re in a rush…
Read MoreAdvice for Future Leaders
Recently, for a magazine article on leadership, I was asked for my top three pieces of advice to future leaders: The first was to understand that Dale Carnegie totally had it right 80 years ago when he wrote in his classic, How to Win Friends and Influence People, that, “Ultimately, people do things for their reasons, not our reasons.”…
Read MoreUsing Promotional Items to Build Client Relationships
A friend of a friend gave his wife a vacuum cleaner for Christmas. Relating this story to me, my friend wondered out loud how it was possible that his buddy was still alive. This is the classic husband mistake: giving his wife something that he thinks will make life easier for her and that in…
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