Marijuana and Illegal Drugs in the Workplace

After reaching the lowest rates in three decades, positive drug tests among US workers are just under 5%. Yet according to almost all business leaders agree that drug testing is still needed and an essential part of building an effective workplace. As a result, 88% of employers will drug test at some point during an…

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Many States Lure Business with Tax Credits and Incentives

In the current competitive economic environment, states continue to compete against each other to lure companies (and their employees) to the “right” state. Many states offer lucrative credits and incentives to do so. We assist companies with the identification, quantification and substantiation of multi-state benefits available as a result of expansion, including: Increases in company…

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How the 2016 Overtime Rule Affects Small Businesses

As a small business owner, your largest overhead component, 70% on average, is labor. You might have assumed that, within the bounds of things like the minimum wage, you’re essentially free as a small businessperson to negotiate whatever wage and salary with your employees that you’d like. There are, however, additional requirements that you must…

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Creating and Implementing a Safety Program

Creating a safety program for your workplace can be an overwhelming task. It can seem like there are innumerable ways employees can hurt themselves—and just as many OSHA regulations to prevent injuries from happening. Where do you start and how do you know where to go?
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A Good Label Does Your Marketing for You

“First impression is the last impression.” – This proverb applies well to cosmetic products. If you are dealing with cosmetic items, you have to make sure that your products create a good first impression in the minds of your prospective customers.
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5 Important OSHA Regulations You Can’t Ignore

For three decades, OSHA has helped employers prevent injuries and save lives by protecting the workforce. If a workplace is OSHA-compliant, the employer will be empowered to recognize work hazards, protect employees from illness and injury, prevent death, and cultivate educated employees who foster general safety for the entire workplace.
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