Novice to Pro: How Tome AI Transforms Presentation Decks

sample of presentation deck

Who’s struggled with PowerPoint presentations over the years and those master pages that never really work? Say hello to Tome AI. Artificial intelligence has dramatically simplified the creation of presentation decks and the results are stunning. Tome AI has a wide range of beautiful templates and themes. Log in, choose a template or theme and…

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Learn How to Use AI Presentation Apps

a business person giving. a presentation to their team

Have you just created your final PowerPoint deck? AI presentation apps have emerged as powerful tools that enhance the way we create and deliver presentations. These apps understand the power of visual appeal. If you’ve struggled with PowerPoint’s notorious master pages and its presentations templates, congratulations, you’ve just finished your last PowerPoint deck. Create Beautiful.AI…

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7 Steps to Create the Most Stunning Business Presentation


Have you ever had to sit through a business presentation that was boring and unattractive? All you could have thought about was when it would end, right? Well, to ensure that your audience doesn’t undergo the same experience when you present, it is crucial to keep certain things in mind. A business presentation can open…

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9 Essential Ways to Grow Your Business

Growing a small business is no easy task. Every day there are new challenges and obstacles that you need to overcome. The key to success in any industry is knowing the right strategies and techniques that will allow you to be successful. The following are strategies for improving your small business so that you can…

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Back to Presentation Basics: Presentation Building

So it’s you and your trusty visual aid on the stage, in front of a looking, anticipating crowd. You’re about to deliver a pitch. You fire up your presentation and start talking away, only to find halfway through the engagement that your audience is uninterested. Was it you? Was it your presentation or its design?…

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How to Visualize Your Business Idea into a Presentation

Visualization is important to modern businesses because it allows entrepreneurs to focus on those areas that require improvement and attract more revenue. Before you can fall in love and be enthusiastic about that idea, and before you can convince investors to buy into it, you need to visualize it. That said, researching and transforming vast…

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5 Best Practices for Turning New Customers into Loyal Customers

If you asked them, most small business owners would say that they’re focused on the “lifetime value” of their customers—but that’s probably because they think they’re supposed to. Despite claiming to keep this metric top-of-mind, many owners don’t position their business to focus on how to keep their existing customers. According to Invesp, it costs…

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Infomercial Techniques Sell!

Did you ever watch an infomercial and by the time the show was almost over you were on the verge of ordering the product, even though when you started to watch you had absolutely no interest? The GTXpress101 can create an omelet, strawberry shortcake, pancakes, chicken cordon bleu, or stuffing (to name only a few)…

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Webinars: The Teacher is in the House

I’m hoping that you’re finding this series focused on the channels too critical for you to ignore in 2019 has been helpful so far. The channel we are going to focus on today is the redheaded stepchild of the list. I think it is often overlooked or dismissed because it seems a little daunting and…

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